
The Truth About the “Loneliest House in the World”

There is wild speculation surrounding this small house, which has become famous as the loneliest house in the world. But what’s the truth and history behind this secluded place?

Made for a zombie apocalypse? Stay at the loneliest house in the world

It’s quite likely that you’ve come across viral pictures of this small house on the remote island of Elliðaey, in the south of Iceland. It’s often called the “dream house of introverts” or the “loneliest house in the world”.

Many theories have surfaced about the owner and history of the house over the years. There were widespread rumors that it was built by a billionaire in case of a zombie apocalypse, or tha t it doesn’t even exist and is just the work of a crafty Photoshop user. Others thought it’s owned by the famous Icelandic singer, Björk. While the Icelandic prime minister really said that he would allow Björk to live for free on a different island, the singer has no connection to Elliðaey. In fact, none of these speculations come close to the truth behind the tiny house.

The "Loneliest House in the World" and the Truth Behind It

From the 18th century, the island of Elliðaey was inhabited by five families. It is believed that they lived in huts, and relied on fishing and raising cattle on the grassy pastures of the island.

By the 1930s, though, all the residents had left the island and only local populations of puffins and seals remained.

Know what's the reality behind the mystery of 'World's Loneliest House'? |  Offbeat News – India TV

According to various sources, the island was deserted for around 20 years, until the Elliðaey Hunting Association built a hunting lodge there in 1953 – the same house that captures people’s imagination today through viral images of the island.

The house has been serving as a hunting cabin for members of the association, which hunts puffins. However, nothing indicates any hunting activity going on on Elliðaey in recent times.

Mystery of world's loneliest house on remote island that has been empty for  over 100 years - Irish Mirror Online

It can only be approached by boat, if weather conditions aren’t too rough. Icelandic waters can be quite treacherous, and the sea gets as cold as 33 degrees Fahrenheit (0.6°C). There aren’t any stairs that would lead up to the house, so visitors have to climb up on the steep cliffs of the island. In fact, every piece of equipment and building material had to be carried up by hand when the house was built.

That being said, the house is still used, and there is even a sauna on the island!

In 2017, a YouTube channel posted a video that documented a trip to the island, even showing the inside of the lodge.

Despite many articles claiming that there is no electricity or indoor plumbing in the lodge, many electrical wiring and sockets can be seen in the video. Although, it’s possible that the lodge didn’t have power at one point, and that has changed since.

All in all, the island is definitely not owned by a billionaire or Björk, and it seems that tourism seems to be the main purpose of Elliðaey these days. According to the article in The Mirror, tour companies even offer trips to the island, in case someone wants to see the loneliest house in the world with their own eyes.


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