
Was the Maya King Pakal an alien from the planet Nibiru?

One of the most important discoveries related to the ancient Mayan civilization is the mysterious Maya astronaut engraved on the lid of a sarcophagus found in the tomb of “Pakal the Great” in the ancient Mayan city of Palenque, located in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico.

The mysterious figure painted on the lid is King Pascal, whose tomb was found in the “Temple of Inscriptions” in 1952.

The mysterious tomb of the Maya king Pakal attracted the interest of ancient astronaut theorists such as Zachariah and Erich von Daniken, who suggested that the carved lid of the sarcophagus found in his tomb depicts an ancient astronaut.

On the lid, as in his tomb, the Pakal is located in an intermediate space surrounded by drawings and symbols running along the edges of the lid and representing important components of Maya cosmology. He was only 12 years old when he took the throne of Palenque in 615 AD, and he ruled successfully until his death at the age of 80.

It is believed that he was the 7th ruler at such an early age. He built this modest-sized Mayan city and turned it into an advanced urban place in Mesoamerica. According to the main historians, the sarcophagus tells about the death of King Pakal and his descent into the underworld.

As an alternative, Erich von Daniken in his book “Chariots of the Gods” noted that the ruler is depicted sitting inside some kind of spaceship.

He suggested that Palenque is one of the ancient places that hint at an alien presence on Earth. Based on their observations, the theorists of ancient astronauts stated that King Pakal could have been part of a race of alien ancient astronauts who built a civilization on Earth.

Tomb of King Pakal

Pakal the Great was buried in the Temple of Inscriptions, and the sarcophagus in which his body was located was surrounded by a crypt 9 meters long, with ceilings 7 meters high. In 1949, the Mexican archaeologist Alberto Rus Luillier penetrated it.

He discovered numerous skeletons of victims sacrificed during the burial of Pakal the Great. Then he visited the crypt, which, according to him, “seems to be dug in the ice”.

This is a kind of cave, the walls, and ceiling of which are so smooth that they seem to be polished. It also resembles an abandoned chapel, the dome of which is draped with stalactites, and stalagmites rise from the ground, thick as drops of wax from a candle.

One of the most amazing things that attracted the attention of archaeologists was a jade and obsidian mosaic mask that covered the face of the deceased.

However, the biggest mystery of Pakal’s tomb was the carving on the lid of his sarcophagus – a stone weighing 5-20 tons. A man dressed according to Mayan customs appears to be sitting inside a strange vehicle, and many claim that it is a spaceship.

Another oddity of King Pakal is his long nose. He even looked different from ordinary people: a high nose cut through his forehead, and he had a narrow face with big eyes.

If you look at other ancient figures, Pakal is not the only person with a raised nose root, this feature could also be seen on ancient figurines excavated on Jaina Island, an ancient Maya burial site with about 20,000 graves.

It is possible that the long noses protruding from the forehead could be in the DNA of ancient people, or could belong to another human race. In addition, ancient civilizations with elongated skulls, raised nose roots, unusual teeth, etc. could belong to the human race with a different DNA. But the question is, when did DNA change so dramatically?

Today, archaeologists refute the thesis about the ancient Mayan astronaut, pointing out that the carving on the lid of the sarcophagus of Pacal the Great is only an image of the afterlife: all symbolic elements are present here, easily recognizable in the images illustrating the journey of the soul of the deceased into the world of the dead.

Despite official denials, many still believe that this strange figure dressed as a Mayan warrior is an alien that the inhabitants of Palenque encountered and immortalized him on a stone 2,000 years ago.

In his book “The Lost Realms”, Zecharia Sitchin shows that there are similarities between the funeral rites of the pharaohs in ancient Egyptian tombs and those observed in the tomb of King Pakal.

Scientists also recognize that it is impossible to avoid an implicit comparison between the tomb of Pakal and the crypts of the Egyptian pharaohs, especially the symbols of funerary scenes depicting a journey to the afterlife.

These connections, which arose as a result of applying the hypothesis of ancient astronauts to the tomb of King Pakal and the history of the Maya civilization in general, suggest that King Pakal could belong to the Anunnaki, who brought civilization to Earth.

Considering the Sumerian tablets about the list of kings, by the time of Pakal’s death, the vast majority of the Anunnaki had already left the Earth. Is it possible that Pakalm was one of the Anunnaki who stayed, and his sarcophagus depicted his return to the Anunnaki home planet of Nibiru?


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