
Waler Montero: One Of Realism’S Color Masters.

Waler Montero, who was born in Argentina and now lives in Germany, is regarded as one of the masters of color in Realism.

A one of a kind Realism rooted in his fascination with humanity in the widest sense of the word, something he tells us all about here in this interview.

Hello Waler, nice to meet you here for Tattoo Life. First of all where are you from and why did you finally decide to settle in Germany?

I am from Buenos Aires Argentina. Since I started to travel around Europe I have always thought Germany was a good place to live and work. It’s a perfect balance of all I could wish for in a place to live.

What were the steps that led you to open your own studio?

I had been doing guest spots for a while and I started to have the feeling that I needed a base and a comfortable place to work where I know how everything works. So basically, comfort is the reason why I opened my own studio.

You are very well known internationally for your colourful style. Would you like to describe it to our readers telling us about your subjects, use of colour and black, palette, shadows…

I don’t think my tattoos are especially colourful because I use a lot of black and grey in my designs. I think what makes my tattoos more “popular” or interesting are the elements I use, the particular view I have. For example, my art is partly based on spirituality but also on different perspectives on humanity, black matter, waking consciousness, being one with the “all”, a good balanced composition.

A strong visual impact for those looking at it but with enough details. It is therefore worthwhile to have a closer look.

There is a reason for every part of my designs, aesthetic lines, harmony of colours and elements. And the colour palette I normally use is based on the skin tone of my customer. I always choose from a range of colours to adapt to the skin.My colours or technique is solid. I don’t use shadings or wash colours and the reason is in order not to lose colour or intensity when they heal.

You are part of the Cheyenne team. How did this come about?Cheyenne knew me from tattoo conventions I guess, because I have been winning “Best of Show” in some of the major tattoo conventions in Europe over the past few years but after I won Milano 2020 I got offer to join the pro team. It was amazing because I have been using products for a while and they have the best quality in the industry.

What do you choose to use of this supplier brand?

Normally the machines I use from Cheyenne are HAWK Pen, SOL Nova Unlimited 3.5 and 4.0, but sometimes I switch to SOL Terra as well. I think all of the machines from Cheyenne are the best. There is simply nothing on the market with more quality than these machines.

Is there anything in particular from Cheyenne that you would suggest to anyone who likes your style or wants to tattoo in this style?

Well, I always try to work with the best. I mean, I need the most precise material and machines to work for many reasons. For example, for my style, I think it’s really important to make sure the skin doesn’t get irritated or swollen, and do sharp solid corners and endings. So in order to do this you need a machine that is able to have all these functions and more. Also, because I switch voltage from 5.0 to 13, not every machine can hold it and work precisely.

I have tried many other machines but there is nothing to compare to Cheyenne. It is simply the best.

Are there any subjects you particularly enjoy working on?

I love to do sleeves and legs but at the moment I am improving on full backs and full fronts. To be honest I enjoy all large-scale pieces. I don’t like small tattoos – doing them, that is.

What is the most difficult aspect of your style?

The most difficult is the balance of the design on the body, because you can prepare a design in 2D digital but it’s another thing altogether to make it happen on a real person. The rest is just fun!

One final question: What is your goal as a tattoo artist?

I am blessed I think because all my goals in my tattoo career I have reached already! It took me about 20 years, but I did it. Now I try to enjoy every single piece I do and create something new every time. If I can say there is anything missing in my career it’s to have taken part in the London Tattoo Convention and unfortunately, this is no longer a possibility. And now another goal was to be in the magazine! It was in this magazine that I first saw the London convention and top quality tattoo around the world!

I would like to thank Cheyenne and TATTOO LIFE for giving me the opportunity to show my art in this amazing magazine and for all their support.Thank you!

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