
Former NASA Scientist: “There are Alien Ships in the Rings of Saturn”

Norman Bergrun, a scientist who worked for 12 years at NASA, has claimed that there are alien ships in the rings of Saturn. But, he stated with regret, science does not want to admit this.

Bergrun served on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and worked with Lockheed Martin on some classified aerospace projects. In his 1986 book Ringmakers of Saturn, he first outlined the theory that extraterrestrial craft had been sighted on the solar system’s ringed planets, especially Saturn.

Bergrun says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the rings. The scientist added that one could even observe “exhausts from the engines of alien ships, the spread of which would accelerate and reach a critical stage.”

A former NASA engineer explained this by saying that the rings of Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter were created to be used as a source of energy or for aliens to obtain resources.

In addition, he assured that these ships can be considered as “alive”, since they have the essential functions of biological systems, such as self-reproduction and self-maintenance. This is in line with what some theorists say, such as Arwen Nicholson and Duncan Fororganis of the University of Edinburgh.

Ten years ago, they suggested that the universe could be populated by thousands of self-replicating alien probes.

In addition to the undeniable prestige and curriculum of the scientist, skeptics claim that there is a natural explanation for this. Others indicate that probe movements are causing jaggedness in images.

Mysterious object in the rings of Saturn

The truth is that Saturn and its moons are full of strange features, from the mysterious hexagonal cloud at the North Pole to the “shepherd satellites”. These satellites are small moons whose gravitational influence restricts material in some planetary rings, limiting narrow regions.

Ring material that orbits near a shepherd moon is usually sent back to the ring while other material is thrown out or ends up falling onto another satellite.

However, sometimes something related to a number of mysteries happens. A striking example can be seen in the image obtained by the Cassini probe.

Cassini Spacecraft Spots mysterious Object in Saturn’s Rings

The agency describes it this way: “A bright breach in Saturn’s narrow F-ring suggests it may have been breached recently. This feature was probably not caused by Pandora’s Moon (50 miles or 81 km across) lurking in the lower right corner.

“It was most likely created by the interaction of a small object embedded in the ring and material in the ring’s core. Scientists sometimes refer to these features as “jets.” Because these bodies are small and embedded within the F ring itself, they are difficult to detect with the resolution available to NASA’s Cassini spacecraft.

Instead, its effect reveals its presence, and scientists use the Cassini spacecraft to study these invisible F-ring sculptors.”


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