100,000 galaxies, including our own, are traveling into a region of space that we cannot see, but researchers do not know why. Astronomers call this kind of occurrence a “Gravity Anomaly.”
This vast region of space is known as “The Great Attractor.” It is estimated to weigh 100 trillion Suns by astronomers. Learn more in the video that is provided below.
The true mystery of Virgo, however, is located farther away. Our local group, which includes the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, and around 50 other galaxies, is the smallest unit of galaxies out there. The Local Group, in turn, is a component of the Virgo Supercluster, which has around 40,000 members.
Beyond all of this lies an invisible object known as the Great Attractor, which is dragging the Milky Way and everything else towards it at the incredible speed of 14 million miles per hour. What exactly is this thing, how far away is it, and what happens when we get there? Nobody knows.
The most enormous black hole feasible would be nowhere near huge enough to generate this impact, and there is no super-super cluster of galaxies to account for it. We are left with the potential of an as-yet-unidentified force.
You can learn more about this in the video below: