The existence of three moons on Earth has been demonstrated by a team of Hungarian astronomers. These moons, which are entirely made of dust, orbit the earth at a distance of 250,000 miles, or almost the same as the moon, according to Hungarian scientists.
Surprisingly, a debate about whether these two celestial bodies exist started in 1961 when Polish astronomer Kazimierz Kordylewski discovered two unidentified clouds that later became known as Kordylewski dust clouds. The Polish researcher added that it’s possible for these dust clouds to be orbiting the planet close to Lagrange points L4 and L5. It has become clear from further study of these celestial bodies that these dust clouds are essentially fictitious satellites orbiting the Earth.
Despite being as close to Earth as the moon, the Kordylewski clouds are two of the most difficult things to discover and are widely disregarded by astronomers. The discovery that our planet has dusty “pseudo-satellites” orbiting alongside our lunar neighbor is intriguing, according to research co-author Judit Slz-Balogh, an astronomer at Hungary’s Eötvös Loránd University.
These satellite clouds, according to experts, have been hidden for such a long time because they are so weak. The sun’s reflection, however, causes these dust clouds to occasionally emerge. Scientists detected dispersed light reflecting off individual dust particles during the investigation using sophisticated polarizing filters on their cameras.
Despite the fact that Hungarian researchers have proven the existence of two extra moons orbiting the Earth, some space experts believe that these strange dust clouds are merely a passing occurrence. According to these critics, the massive dust clouds observed by astronomers participating in this study might be quickly swept away due to gravitational jostling from other planets or solar winds.
This is not the first time that fresh space studies have reshaped humanity’s knowledge of the solar system. Some astronomers hypothesize a few weeks ago that a rogue space planet, most likely Planet Nine, could be hiding beyond Neptune in the solar system. The researchers also showed that the space in which Planet Nine resides is too dark, which could explain why present observatories on Earth are having difficulty locating this space body.