
15 Facts Even True Fans Don’t Remember About Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn

Here are 20 interesting facts about Harley Quinn that’ll have everyone excited to see Margot reprise the role.

Harley Quinn was one of the best female characters to ever appear in a superhero movie, and she truly stole the show when it came to Suicide Squad. For many, Margot Robbie’s portrayal of the legendary DC character was the whole reason why they went to see the movie in the first place. She’s a complex, intriguing character that appeals to a lot of people. Although she is pretty unhinged and mentally deranged, she has an odd sense of strength and freedom about her, and a lot of people almost wish they could be as free-spirited as her.

Although many people consider themselves fans of this iconic character, there are a number of things that even the biggest Harley Quinn admirers forget about her. Although she might seem a little one-

dimensional, there’s much more than her than meets the eye. It’s easy to assume that she’s just eye candy, designed to attract male attention and help ticket sales. But that’s definitely not what Harley Quinn is about, and real fans would know this. She’s a tragic female figure, and at the very core of her there is a strong sense of power. Who else forgot these interesting facts about Harley Quinn?

15, Margot Robbie Had Trouble Connecting With The Character

Margot Robbie Says She Needs a Break from Playing Harley Quinn

While there can’t be any doubt that Margot Robbie did an amazing job as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, it’s also clear from her interviews that she didn’t have the easiest time getting into character. Margot Robbie is definitely a skilled actor, but even she seems to have some trouble really connecting with the character and finding out what it meant to her on a personal level. As she reveals, there were a number of things about the character of Harley Quinn that Margot Robbie just couldn’t get her head around, and found it hard to relate to.

The Washington Post quoted Margot Robbie as saying: “I just didn’t understand how she could be such a [rebel] and then fall to pieces over some guy. I found that really frustrating.”

“Fans seem to really love that about her, that she has this complete devotion to a guy that treats her badly.” As the article explains, she later researched co-dependency, and suddenly it clicked. Margot Robbie continued: “Once I could view it in those terms, it suddenly made sense, and I suddenly had so much empathy for Harley and after that it was all very straightforward. It was fun after all that.”

14, She Used To Be A Psychiatrist

This is hardly something that fans will forget, but definitely one of the most interesting things about Harley Quinn. Yes, she used to be a psychiatrist, and her back story is one of the most interesting in the entire DC universe. She actually first met the Joker when she was still working as a psychiatrist, and it was then that she would slowly begin her descent into madness and devotion to the Joker himself.

While these facts are made abundantly clear in Suicide Squad and all other Harley Quinn appearances, the thing that a lot of people forget is the fact that this has huge implications about Harley Quinn’s character.

She’s actually extremely intelligent, and has a distinguished university education. This means that even though she might seem a little unhinged and mentally stable, her mind is incredibly powerful and quick.

You can see evidence for this in Suicide Squad well after she joins forces with the Joker. In some scenes, she is seen casually psychoanalyzing her teammates, much to their frustrations. This shows that Harley Quinn still has a lot of her psychological knowledge in the back of her head, and this knowledge is obviously incredibly useful when you’re trying to outsmart your enemies and utilize things like psychological warfare.

13, It Was Hard For Margot Robbie To Master Harley Quinn’s Voice

Margot Robbie Wants Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy's Love Story In Movies |  Vanity Fair

One of the most memorable things about Harley Quinn is her voice. This has been the case long before Margot Robbie took the role, and in the cartoons she’s always had a high-pitched, almost childish voice. Her voice is definitely a huge part of her character, and it helps sell that illusion that Harley Quinn is a playful, innocent character – when that couldn’t be further from the truth. As the actress admits, one of the biggest challenges that Margot Robbie faced when she was getting into the character was finding that voice, and creating a balance between that high-pitched tone Harley Quinn is famous for, and something more realistic for the big screen.

Margot Robbie explained to The Washington Post: “The voice took a while because I knew it was something we’d have to commit to. It’s really high pitched. It’s really fun in that comic-book heightened reality kind of way, but it’s not very fitting for a David Ayer film. There’s going to be a lot of dark, gritty, serious scenes.”

“From the comic books, I knew that she originated from Brooklyn. But David didn’t want it to be full Brooklyn like I did in [“Wolf of Wall Street”]. It took a while to find the right level of pitch. The goal was to kind of find some sort of middle ground where I could go higher for comical moments and go lower for more real moments.”

12, She Fell Into The Same Vat Of Chemicals That Created The Joker

One of the most memorable scenes from the movie Suicide Squad was the moment when Harley Quinn was brought to a vat of chemicals and forcibly dunked into it, turning her into what she is today. It was at this point that Harley Quinn truly ceased to be her old psychiatrist self, and took on the mantle of the female villain that we all know today. And the scene from the movie illustrated this moment perfectly.

But what people might forget is that this was the exact same vat of chemicals that turned the Joker into what he is today. And because of this, there are some interesting things to consider. Established Joker lore states that the chemicals not only bleach a person’s skin, but also change the very chemistry of their brain, damaging areas that are associated with mental stability, yet preserving the person’s overall intelligence.

The chemicals had the exact same effect on Harley Quinn as they did on the Joker, which is a huge reason why these two characters are so inexorably linked.

They are in love, and although the passion existed before Harley Quinn was dunked in the chemicals, it seems that this shared trauma definitely unites the two villains more than any other past event.

11, She Helped Take Out Robin

Margot Robbie Didn't Know Harley Quinn Dies in Snyder Cut

In Suicide Squad, one of the scenes in the movie shows Batman looking at a costume in the batcave that is put on display in a glass case. This costume looks battered and beaten, and has the words “Haha! Joke’s on you BATMAN” written in yellow spray paint over the chest. For some, these words and the relevance of the scene might not be clear. But it reveals a lot about Harley Quinn.

The suit of course once belonged to Robin, Batman’s famous sidekick. So where’s Robin? Well, Robin is gone, and the Joker and Harley Quinn took him out. They then spray painted those hurtful words onto Robin’s suit, and sent it back to Batman. Harley Quinn did in fact have a pretty major hand in the demise of Robin, and that’s one of the big reasons why Batman hates her as much as he does.

Since the earlier days of Batman, leading up the 90s, we haven’t actually seen Robin appear in any of the movies. Perhaps that’s because he seems too “childish” of a character to appear in the gritty, realistic reboots of the franchise. But in Suicide Squad, the film at least makes mention of the character, which is a first for DC movies as of late. Who knows if we’ll ever see him in flashbacks, now that he’s been established as gone.

10, Margot Robbie Says The Chemical Scene Was The Worst

We’ve previously talked about the chemical scene, and how important it was for the Suicide Squad movie and Harley Quinn’s character in general. But have you ever wondered how Margot Robbie herself felt when filming this iconic scene? We often forget that actors go through a lot of trouble in order to nail some of the more complex scenes, and this was a clear example of that. It’s a real testament to the film and Margot Robbie’s acting, because we never disconnected to the story and wondered how the actress was doing underneath all that chemical goo.

But Margot Robbie has indeed opened up about what this famous scene was like to shoot, and she actually didn’t find it that enjoyable. In fact, she once admitted that it was one of the worst experiences of her life, on camera and off.

Margot Robbie admitted to The Washington Post: “That chemical [scene] was the most unpleasant thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. So that was definitely my least favorite. It was like this gluggy paint stuff that was so far in my ears and up my nose, and I was choking on it underwater, and I couldn’t breathe, and I tried to open my eyes, and it would glaze over my eyeballs, and I could only see white. It was horrible.”

9, She Once Kissed Batman

A Margot Robbie 'Harley Quinn' Movie Could Be DCEU's Ace In The Hole

Suicide Squad came out a while ago now, and even the biggest fans of the movie might have forgotten some of the most important parts. Although Batman definitely didn’t have a huge role in the movie, he did make a few important appearances. And in this appearances, his interactions with Harley Quinn were quite notable, and succeeded in shocking a lot of the biggest fans out there.

In one scene, Batman is ambushing Harley Quinn and the Joker, and he actually attacks them while they are driving in their car. Both the Joker and Harley Quinn fight back quite fiercely, but Batman gets away. And to add insult to injury, Harley Quinn and the Joker find their car careering off the edge of a road and into the murky depths of water. The car starts sinking, and both Harley Quinn and the Joker seem doomed.

The Joker somehow manages to escape, but he leaves Harley Quinn trapped in the car, alone and with no way out. Batman, being the upstanding moral citizen that he is, dives into the water and manages to free Harley Quinn. But here’s where it gets interesting. After much reluctance and hesitation, he gives Harley Quinn mouth-to-mouth in order to resuscitate her. She comes back to life, and immediately starts kissing Batman!

8, She Was Implanted With Explosives

Another interesting detail about Harley Quinn was that during the movie Suicide Squad, every member of the team, including Harley Quinn, was implanted with explosives. This adds a sense of danger and intrigue to the movie, and it helps to explain why these villains are so willing to fight evil, having done some terrible things in their past. One wrong move, and they’re blown to pieces.

The people running the team hold the detonator switches, so it forces every member of the Suicide Squad to protect them and follow their every command without question. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule that come along later in the movie, but for the most part, they are simply slaves to the whim of these commanders. Every member of the team, including Harley Quinn, seems to accept their fate and role in the team.

Having an explosive implanted into you must change the way you behave and act, and that was certainly the case with Harley Quinn. Although she maintained a lot of her crazy persona and sadistic energy, you could tell that she was slightly held back by the explosive, and was a little frustrated that she was being forced to do something she wouldn’t otherwise agree to.

7, Margot Robbie Wants To Make A Grown-Up “Girl Gang” Movie Starring Harley Quinn

Jay.. on Twitter: "ⓘ This user loves Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn" / Twitter

Harley Quinn was a great character that countless people loved, but will we ever see her again on the big screen? Something tells us that it’s only a matter of time. But you don’t have to simply rely on our premonitions – Margot Robbie has spoken about a possible future film starring Harley Quinn, and a few other recognizable female DC heroes. The actress stated that she wants to make an “R-Rated Girl Hero movie,” similar to Deadpool, and it will probably be called Birds Of Prey. New information continues to come out about this exciting new movie, and it looks like it’s really happening.

Margot Robbie was quoted by Maxim as saying of the potential film, “Harley loves interacting with people, so don’t ever make her do a standalone film.”

This seems to confirm that the movie will include other female superheroes. She also reportedly said that she wants a female director to make the movie, and admitted that she was one of the driving forces behind getting the film made, stating: “I was focusing on this. I kept presenting it to the studio until they felt it was at a point where they were ready to do it. And now we’re all in.”

6, She Has Gymnastics Skills

Another thing that a lot of people forget about Harley Quinn is that she is an exceptional gymnast. This is a common theme throughout DC comics and movies, with tons of heroes and villains having an exceptional ability when it comes to agility and flexibility. It seems like almost everyone in the DC universe is capable of doing flips and twists when it comes to avoiding danger and when attacking as well.

But Harley Quinn really takes this to a completely different level. When it comes to her fighting style and the way she simply carries herself, her agility is something that has come to define her. Gymnastics are some of the villain’s biggest skills, and these abilities have succeeded in saving her life on more than one occasion. Even when unarmed, Harley Quinn is capable of tearing through multiple foes in a flurry of flips, twists, and jumps.

This is illustrated beautifully in the scene where we are introduced to Harley Quinn in the jail cell. In this scene, Harley Quinn uses her bed sheets to create a gymnastics gym in her own jail cell, floating around while doing all kinds of amazing gymnastics routines. But don’t be fooled by her beauty – there is danger hiding within these flourishes. And in the movie, she takes out about 5 prison guards while using her impressive gymnastics skills.

5, She Carries A Chiappa Rhino 60DS

Margot Robbie unsure when we will next see Harley Quinn | Batman News

Of course, even though Harley Quinn is an incredible athlete and gymnast, she needs an extra bit of power every now and then. While she is able to take out multiple enemies using just the weapon that is her body, sometimes she must rely on actual weapons to provide just a little bit more punch to her fighting style, and to do this she relies mostly on two specific weapons in the Suicide Squad movie.

The first is pretty simple – it’s just a baseball bat with some interesting words written on it. Not much to say about that, but she definitely knows how to use it, and has taken out multiple enemies with it in the past. Interestingly enough, she was about to choose a Mallet instead (Harley’s signature weapon in the cartoons and movies), but instead chose a baseball bat. It was probably the right choice.

But in terms of firearms, her weapon of choice is a heavily customized Chiappa Rhino 60DS. An interesting replica of the gun is pictured above, and this one is almost identical to the one used in the movie – although it was made by a cosplayer. According to Chiappa’s website, the gun is a powerful revolver designed specifically for competition shooting, meaning that it’s incredibly accurate. It is chambered in 9mm.

4, Emma Roberts Turned Down The Role

We all know that Margot Robbie will forever be linked to the role of Harley Quinn, and we can’t really picture anyone else playing the role today. She fits the role perfectly, and it’s clear that this actor did a lot of work to connect with the character and get herself into the role. The results are stunning, and you really have to hand it to the casting directors for choosing such a brilliant actor for a role that was important to the movie.

But was Margot Robbie even their first choice? According to Business Insider and many other sources on the web, she was actually their backup plan. Their first choice, according to the article, was actually Emma Roberts. You might remember this talented actress for her work on Scream 4, or the hit show American Horror Story, but one role that she didn’t play was Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad.

But why didn’t she get the role? Well, according to Business Insider, she actually turned it down. Was it because of the outfit? Was she not interested in superhero movies? Did she just not like the script? None of the above, according to Business Insider. According to the article, she turned down the role because she wanted to play a lead role in a new television series, Scream Queens.

3, Margot Robbie Admitted That She Didn’t Like Wearing The Outfit

The outfit is one of those things that really made Harley Quinn famous. As soon as the trailers hit, everyone was talking about what Harley Quinn would be wearing in Suicide Squad. But the actress has spoken about how she didn’t actually enjoy wearing it. Margot Robbie was quoted by Cinema Blend as saying: “As Margot, no, I don’t like wearing that. I’m eating burgers at lunchtime, and then you go do a scene where you’re hosed down and soaking wet in a white T-shirt, it’s so clingy and you’re self-conscious about it.”

But she also recognized why the director wanted her to wear that particular outfit, telling The Washington Post: “As I was reading all the comic books, she has tons of different outfits. In some comic books she’s wearing more of like a corset and mini-shorts, and in some she’s wearing the full jester outfit. I didn’t really know what exactly the costume was going to be, but I knew if [director] David [Ayer] was making the movie and his films are always pretty grounded in reality, I kind of had a feeling we weren’t going to be doing the polished comic book look. That we’d be doing something a little grittier, a little more street, a little more real.”

2, She Actually Has Some Minor Powers

The DC universe is typically less about superpowers than the Marvel Universe. Their heroes are slightly more human, relying simply on their fists and intelligence rather than crazy, out there powers like we see so often in the Marvel Universe. People often joke that Batman’s superpower is being rich, and this helps him get the upper hand most of the time.

Other heroes also rely on technological marvels to help them in their fights, and guns are a common occurrence in the DC universe. But that’s not to say that it’s totally devoid of superpowers. There are some heroes out there who have powers, although they’re usually mild and subtle. And as it turns out, Harley Quinn has some minor powers that you might have missed.

Because Harley Quinn was dunked in the same chemical vat that created the Joker, her mind has some interesting properties. She’s basically immune to fear, which is useful because Batman, her enemy, uses fear as a strong tactic. In addition, she’s been shown to have some mild powers in the comics, such as aversion to mind control/mind reading, and being able to control animals.

1, Margot Robbie Admitted To Getting Threats And Being Followed After The Movie

Margot Robbie Supports Lady Gaga As Harley Quinn, Just Wants Great Actors  To Make Great Art

A lot of us would love to be in a superhero movie like Suicide Squad, but few people actually consider what happens to top actors when they reach fame by playing a superhero. Margot Robbie has spoken out about some of the downsides to playing such an iconic role, and these include death threats and stalkers.

Margot Robbie was quoted by Joblo as saying: “You’re about to be in a comic book film; now here’s the worst-case scenario of how big and scary it can get. There’s just all this stuff you learn along the way, like, when you get those […] threats, it’s [smart] to have a security team do a background check on whoever sent them to see if there is any past history of violence because you’ll need to know whether you need security to go to certain events. And every time you do a background check, it’s going to cost $2,000, so take that into consideration when you’re getting yourself into this.”

She also admitted that she doesn’t enjoy the position she’s now in, saying: “And it’s like, “OK, that’s a different kind of career.” Because then you need to always do a job that can financially support that lifestyle; you can’t just do indie films for the rest of your life because that film back there changed everything and now you have to be able to afford security. I just wish someone had explained a lot of those things to me early on. I wouldn’t have resented the position I found myself in because I would’ve known what I was getting myself into.”


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