
A UFO was captured by fishermen as it dove into the water to escape a military aircraft

This is quite likely the most impressive and fascinating UFO sighting to have ever been documented on video. Most likely as a result of the fisherman’s and his crew’s strategic location and timing.

Fishermen filmed a UFO escaping military aircraft by diving into the ocean  - Journal News

About ten years ago, the footage, which was captured by Spanish fisherman, was initially posted online. A UFO is seen eluding military jets and crashing into the water in the footage that was made public.

This UFO sighting helped to create a mythological status for government cover-ups. This time, the Spanish government will be the focus instead of the United States.

As we can see, the Spanish Air Force is mercilessly following this unknown object. In fact, they were involved. Right in front of the fisherman, the item practically gives up playing as it finally descends into the water.

Earth is Blue: daily photos and weekly videos from our national marine  sanctuaries

A fisherman from Galicia has made the decision to tell the world what he claims happened aboard his boat.

A mysterious helicopter comes over the boat and instructs the fishermen to hurry up and leave their current location while several military aircraft chase after a “strange item” that falls into the water and performs a stunning drop.

The creator of the video states, “Posting this video after considerable thought, but feel it my obligation to disclose that this happened and find no reason.


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