
Top 18 most beautiful birds in the world

The most beautiful birds in the world. In the natural world, there are many animals that seek to camouflage or blend in with their surroundings to avoid predators . But there are birds that do the opposite, they choose to stand out above all, many of them have very interesting expressions especially during mating season. Let’s admire their beauty and funny properties!

Bird of Paradise

Birds of paradise are found in New Guinea and surrounding islands. Two other species of birds of paradise called “manucodes” and “riflebirds” grow in Australia. Most birds of paradise live in tropical forests (including rainforests, swamps, and moss forests). Some species have been found living in coastal mangrove forests.

The brightly colored plumage is the reason why birds of paradise are a prime target for hunters, which in turn has led to the extinction of several species in the bird of paradise family . Indigenous tribes in New Guinea often use the feathers of the bird of paradise in their costumes and rituals.

For centuries, the feathers of this bird have also been popularly used in Europe as a female jewelry. This slaughtered a large number of birds of paradise . At the same time, deforestation has destroyed the bird’s habitat, leading to the bird being on the protected list of many countries.

Birds of paradise have a unique dance that enhances their unique appearance. This dance of the male birds not only helps them attract the attention of the female birds, but also makes people nearby can’t take their eyes off this interesting bird.

Another thing is that male birds spend most of their life attracting mates. Birds of paradise build their nests from soft materials, such as leaves, ferns, and vines. This bird has a habit of often placing nests in the hollows of trees.

The number of eggs that a bird of paradise lays varies according to the size of each species. Larger species usually lay only one egg, but smaller species can lay 2 to 3 eggs per litter. Eggs hatch after 16 to 22 days. After that, the chicks will leave the nest between 16 and 30 days old.

Bird of paradise


Golden Pheasant

The golden pheasant is famous for its brightly colored plumage. They have a nice yellow tint with red. Their lower part is bright red. The golden pheasant is yellow on the top of its head and green on its back. They also have dark, red shoulder feathers and a long light brown tail.

The yellow pheasant is more colorful than the male . Their tail feathers also have prominent black spots. Unlike the male golden pheasant , the females have light mottled brown plumage.

Yellow pheasants live in dense forests and woodlands all over China. Male golden pheasant is longer than female. Adult male golden pheasants usually grow up to 127 cm in length. Interestingly, the tails make up two-thirds of the total body length.

The Golden Pheasant is characterized by a rare flight and spends most of their time on the ground. They mainly eat fruits, seeds and insects.

Yellow pheasant


Flamingos are perhaps the most recognizable birds in the world. The beautiful reddish-purple appearance from the colored plumage makes them special among birds. There are 6 different species of Flamingos in the world. They live on every continent except Antarctica.

Adult flamingos will grow 1.3 m to 1.5 m and weigh up to 3.6 kg. Their neck is very long and a solid beak that curves down. The legs of the flamingo are also very long, 70 to 120 cm. The long legs and beak are especially adapted for catching small fish, larvae and Plankton from the mud.

Flamingos live in large flocks consisting of thousands of members. They stand out in red and purple because of their food. Their diet mainly consists of brine shrimp, plankton and blue-green algae. Flamingos also spend hours on their plumage from special glands that use plumage to help keep the plumage in good condition.

There would be no list of the most beautiful birds without flamingos. This exotic pink bird is found in the Southern and Western Hemisphere. They are very good at balancing. They can stand on one leg for hours at a time.


Blue jays

The blue jay is one of the most beautiful and intelligent birds in the world. They are found in the forests of Eastern and Western North America. Beautiful blue jay with blue, white and black plumage. Distinguished by songbirds this is the noisy call ‘Blue jay crow’.

They can also imitate the songs of other species of birds. Aside from his striking appearance, the Blue Jay Crow is known for his intelligence. They can steal chicks and eggs from other birds. Blue jays also imitate the song of hawks to deceive other birds.

They imitate the occasional hawk’s voice to deceive other birds. Blue jays in captivity can also imitate human voices and the voices of other pets. Blue jays are birds that live in small flocks. But when migrating in winter to the South, they form large herds of up to hundreds of Blue jays.

Their movement behavior is still a mystery among scientists. Not all blue jays move during the winter, some of them remain in their natural range. In addition, blue jays move each year.

Blue jay crow

Keel-billed toucan (keel-billed toucan)

The boat-billed Toucan is one of the most surprising pecking birds in the world. They have a large colorful beak up to 20cm long. They are also known as rainbow beaks due to their colorful beaks. Their beak is a mixture of green, red and yellow.

Although they look heavy, their beaks are hollow and light. It is made up of a protein called keratin. They use their large and colorful beak to attract females during the breeding season and as a defensive weapon. The boat-billed cuckoo lives in the forests of Central and South America. They are 20cm long and weigh up to 4kg. Their plumage is mostly black with a yellow throat and chest. Due to their heavy wings, they can only move between branches by jumping.

They are very social birds. A small flock of about 30 birds. They live in natural tree holes or holes made by woodpeckers. Their diet mainly consists of insects, lizards and eggs.

The most striking feature of this bird is its large colorful beak up to 20cm long. Their beak is a mixture of green, red and yellow. They use their large and colorful beak to attract females during the breeding season and as a defensive weapon against predators.

Boat-billed Toucan Chim

Hail to the Fire Crest (Greetings to the Cardinals)

You probably know why people call this bird the cardinal cardinal ? The bird has a brilliant red outfit with a red hat on its head, and its body is also small, about 21-23cm in length. They have a mask on their face, a black masked male, and a gray masked hen.

The cardinal bird is distributed in southern Canada, across the eastern United States from Maine to Texas and south to Mexico. In Vietnam, this gorgeous bird is often sought after by many people as gifts for Tet because its bright red plumage symbolizes good luck in the new year.

The cardinal bird inhabits forests, gardens, shrubs, and swamps. The cardinal ‘s food is nuts, fruits and insects.

Cardinal bird

Cong (Pavo)

Peacock is actually the name of the male bird of the peacock family. There are 3 types of peacocks in the world – Indian, Congolese and Javanese. The Indian peacock is the most common species found in the world. Peacocks (male birds) are famous for their colorful performance with iridescent tail feathers.

Peacocks can reach 1.5m in length, making them one of the largest flying birds in the world. In fact, the tail of a peacock makes up 60% of the total length. The unique coloration of the peacock ‘s tail feathers is perhaps the most beautiful courtship of any other bird in the world.

Opening courtship, the peacock spreads its massive tail with plumage to reveal colorful tails and eye spots. Some peacocks have a longer tail and more eye spots than others. The female peacock chooses a peacock with a longer tail and more eye spots. Depending on the angle of reflection of the light, the color of the tail feathers from the peacock varies.

The peacock is certainly one of the most brilliantly feathered species that “mother” nature has to offer. They belong to the pheasant family and are known primarily for their remarkable tail feathers that, when spread out, look like thousands of their wide open eyes.


Red Macaw (Pink Parrot)

The red macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest birds of the parrot family. They live in moist green forests throughout Central and South America. The plumage is colorful, making the red macaw very special. They have bright red plumage with blue undertones. Their wings are yellow and their tongues are green.

The strong curved beak is a notable feature of the red macaw. Their upper part is white and the tip is black. An adult macaw is 80-90 cm long and weighs up to 1.5 kg. They are great birds and can reach speeds of 35 mph.

Red macaws also live for a long time. They have a lifespan of 40-50 years. They are said to be good captive parrots that can live up to 75 years. The red macaw is also one of the most intelligent birds in the world. In captivity, they will easily learn words, sounds, and tricks.

They are said to be well-trained parrots that can even distinguish colors and shapes. The red macaw is a very large parrot. They imitate different types of voices, hissing and squawking. Their main food is nuts, fruits and insects. With its strong, curved beak, the red macaw can easily break down any kind of nut.

Long-tailed red parrot

Bohemian Waxwing

The Bohemian Waxwing (also known as the Bohemian Waxwing) lives in the northern forests of North America and Eurasia, mostly in Canada and Alaska. Bohemian Waxwing is one of the most beautiful sparrows in the world. They are songbirds, of medium size, with distinctive crested heads and black masks. They are grayish brown overall and have white and yellow borders. In winter, they migrate in large flocks to the Northwest of the United States. They nest on tree branches. Both males and females are known for their high-pitched vocalizations. They mainly eat insects and berries.

This bird is not as colorful as other birds. But the glamorous elegance is also what makes them stand out. They have a smooth, medium-sized purplish-brown coat with a distinctive black crest and mask.

The Bohemian Waxwing (also known as the Bohemian Waxwing)


This beautiful little bird is the Anna hummingbird . It is no bigger than a ping pong ball. It is quite common on the West Coast of the United States. This species is named after the Duchess of Rivoli – Anna Massena – the wife of a famous bird collector in the 19th century. A French naturalist – Rene Primevere Lesson named the bird so in her honor. .

Hummingbirds (also known as bees) are a family of small North American birds that are very small (up to 15cm). They have colorful iridescent feathers and most especially beautiful long tail feathers, very similar to the Bird of Paradise. When flying, they can stand still with the frequency of flapping their wings up to 70 times / second. Hummingbirds usually fly at a speed of approximately 50 km/h and this is also the only bird on the planet capable of flying backwards. Their food is mainly nectar.

Hummingbirds are so beautiful and lovely, but they are standing on the edge of extinction due to man-made changes in their habitat.

Anna hummingbird


The lovebird is actually just a migratory bird, belonging to the mallard family. They are always paired and that image is compared to happy couples. The male is more beautiful than the female, the plumage is multicolored, changing from one color to the other very harmoniously, red eyes. Females are not as showy as males, white around the eyes and neck.

The species is closely related to the North American Carolina duck. Not only famous for her beauty, but Uyen Uyen is also an exemplary model of faithfulness in the bird world.

The male (also known as Uyen) has colorful plumage that is hard to mistake. It has a red beak, large white crescent-shaped feathers above its eyes, and a red face and “moustache”. The female (also called nurse) looks similar to that of the Carolina duck, with white rings around the eyes and stripes running back from the eyes, but fading, she has small white stripes on the sides and tip of the bill. paler.


Chim Ramphastos Sulfuratus

The Ramphastos sulfuratus bird is one of the most amazingly distinctive birds in the family of birds. They have a very large, colorful beak, reaching a length of up to 20 cm. Their beaks are a variety of green, red and yellow. They use this large, colorful beak to attract females during the breeding season and as a defensive weapon.

Ramphastos sulfuratus birds live in forests throughout Central and South America. They are usually 20 cm long and weigh up to 4 kg. Their plumage is mostly black with a yellow throat and chest. The bird Ramphastos sulfuratus can only move between branches by jumping.

Bird Ramphastos sulfuratusare very social birds. They are usually formed in small flocks containing up to 30 members. They live in either natural holes or holes that woodpeckers make in tree trunks. Ramphastos sulfuratus birds eat mainly insects, lizards and eggs.

Chim Ramphastos sulfuratus

The Atlantic Puffin

The Atlantic albatross is a small, well-adapted seabird found on the coasts of the North United States and Eastern Canada. The Atlantic albatross is also known as the ‘sea parrot’ because of its wide range of colours. Atlantic albatrosses spend most of their lives at sea.

Their water-resistant fur keeps their body warm while swimming. They flap their wings to swim on the surface and in the water. The Atlantic albatross also has excellent diving abilities. They can dive up to 60 m. They often hunt sand eel, roe and Hake fish. The Atlantic albatross also has excellent surface speed. They can reach speeds of 55 miles per hour, flapping their wings up to 400 times per minute.

Atlantic albatrosses raise their young during the summer and spring on the islands of the North Atlantic. They build nests of feathers and grass in caves and on cliffs. The female lays only 1 egg and it takes 45 days to hatch. After hatching.

Adult Atlantic albatrosses leave the nest in search of food for their chicks. they carry small fish for the chicks. The Atlantic albatross can carry 10-30 fish in their huge beak.

Atlantic Ocean Seagulls

The Quetzal (The Quetzal)

Found in the wild in Central America. Not only impresses with its feathers, but this is also an omnivorous bird. They eat everything from lizards, insects, small creatures, and even fruit.

The seo-tailed bird is among the most beautiful birds in the world. These colorful birds live in the mountains and rainforests of Central America. Their main food is fruit, insects, lizards and other small creatures.

The seo-tailed bird was considered sacred to the ancient Maya and Aztecs, and the aristocracy and clergy used to wear the seo-tail bird’s feathers during major ceremonies.

The Quetzal (The Quetzal)

Northern crown (Icterus galbula)

This bird is medium in size, has a relatively strong and pointed bill, and relatively short but sturdy legs and toes. Their coat color is very eye-catching with bright yellow, the top of the plumage is black and stretches down to the two wings, sometimes mixed with a bit of dark gold to create their colorfulness. This bird has a very beautiful voice, is an omnivore with a main diet of fruits, insects and honey.

The Northern Canary is a not very large bird with alternating black and yellow plumage, weighing only about 34g and 18cm long. As one of the brightly colored birds, the canary is not only beautiful but also sings beautifully. Not that, people often use the expression “bunny with a golden voice” to refer to a woman.

Northern crown (Icterus galbula)

Purple Parakeet

The purplish-blue macaw has a body covered with pure blue feathers, is not afraid of people, is direct, and is extremely intelligent. This parrot is always the center of attention! They are hailed as bright, lively parrots and are extremely friendly with their littermates. They can live up to 50 years old. They like to do everything in pairs and are very loyal.

Purple macaws are very docile by nature and rarely agitated. They are quite curious and are not afraid of strange things, although this habit can get them into trouble. These characteristics make them very fond of keeping them as pets.

With an impressive length of 100 cm, the Blue Macaw is the largest of all parrot species in the world. They mainly inhabit the semi-zones and savannah grasslands of Northern Brazil. Species have declined sharply in the past few years, with just under 5,000 left-winged macaws in the world. Habitat loss and hunting are the main threats to parrot population decline. In addition to its large size, the Purple Macaw is famous for its impressive blue plumage, bright yellow rings around its eyes. Because of this beautiful color, the Purple Macaw is also known as the ‘blue macaw.

The purplish macaw can be a great pet with proper training. You should also give them plenty of space to make them feel comfortable. They are playful and not as good at imitating words as some other parrots. You should be careful with the Purple Macaw . It cannot be guaranteed that they will not bite you as soon as you provide care and training.

Purple macaw species

Drink the queen

Resplendent quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala. This bird lives in humid tropical forests. The color of the queen’s feathers is combined in a very prominent natural way. Therefore, their camouflage ability is somewhat modest.

The adult queen waterfowl possesses a prominent tail plumage of 90cm long. It’s a weapon that helps them flirt with their mates. The queen falcon is a rare bird that is important to the people of Central America because it symbolizes freedom. This bird is included in the endangered species list in the Red Book.

With vibrant colors, the queen’s plumage forms a green body (displaying iridescence from yellow-green to blue-violet). Depending on the light, the queen’s feathers can shine in a spectrum of colors: green, cobalt, lime, yellow, to blue-violet. Although we can see the dominant color of the queen waterfowl as green, they are actually brown due to the pigment melanin.

Drink the queen

Sea parrots

Sea parrots are small, well-adapted birds found on the North coast of the United States and Eastern Canada. They are also known as sea parrots because of their large, colorful beak like that of a penguin. They spend most of their life at sea. The water-resistant coat keeps them warm while swimming. They flap their wings to swim and dive.

Sea parrots also have excellent diving abilities. They can dive up to 60m deep. They usually hunt small eels, small scale sharks and meluc fish. They can reach speeds of 55 miles per hour and flap their wings 400 times a minute.

Sea parrots breed each summer and spring in the North Atlantic. They build nests of feathers and grass in caves in the cliffs. The female only lays 1 egg and takes 45 to hatch. After hatching, adult sea parrots leave the nest to find food for their young. They bring small fish back to their children. They can carry 10-30 fish in their huge beak.

Sea parrots

There are about 10,000 species of birds in the world, each unique in its own way. Hopefully we will take more measures to protect these beautiful, rare birds as they are on the verge of extinction!

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