
The vastness of outer space and the terrifying possibilities that it holds can evoke fear in anyone

The vastness of outer space and the terrifying possibilities that it holds can evoke fear in anyone. The idea of endless, empty space, black holes capable of destroying matter, and mysterious exoplanets that seem unattainable can leave people feeling uneasy. This essay delves into the details of six exoplanets with conditions that resemble hell.

The first planet, named Corrose 7b, is an exotic exoplanet where rocks rain down constantly, and no umbrella, except one made from titanium, could save you. While the planet was considered the first rocky exoplanet that resembled Earth when it was first discovered, it is uninhabitable, with zero percent probability of life due to its close proximity to its star, resulting in surface temperatures that can reach 4,700 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, it is locked in a position where one side is always facing the host star, and the other side is extremely cold. The planet was likely initially a gas giant that moved closer to its star, which led to the thinning of its gas membrane, leaving only the rocky core.

J1407b, the second planet on the list, is a massive gas giant surrounded by 30 rings that span over 110 million miles, 200 times wider than the rings around Saturn. The rings are likely formed due to the mass destruction of its satellites, and the planet itself is believed to have a mass between 10 and 40 times that of Jupiter. Some theories suggest that J1407b may be an incomplete star or a protostar that was never able to become a brown dwarf.

Moving closer to Earth, the third planet is one of the loneliest objects in the universe, located 80 light-years from the sun. Named Trappist-1e, this planet is isolated and doesn’t have a sun-like star, resulting in permanent darkness. It’s also much colder than Earth, but it’s believed to have an atmosphere that could support life.

The fourth planet, WASP-12b, is a scorching exoplanet located about 600 light-years away from Earth. The planet’s surface temperature is hot enough to vaporize metals, and it’s so close to its star that it completes one orbit in just 26 hours.

The fifth planet, KELT-9b, is another scorcher, with a temperature of 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it hotter than some stars. It’s located about 620 light-years away from Earth and has a host star that is twice as hot as our sun.

The sixth and final planet, HD 189733b, is a blue exoplanet with winds that blow up to 5,400 miles per hour, which is seven times the speed of sound. It’s located about 63 light-years from Earth and has a host star that is smaller than the sun.

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