
Rare hybrid solar eclipse coming soon

Rare hybrid solar eclipse coming soon

What is a solar eclipse?A solar eclipse usually occurs when the Moon partially or completely obscures the Sun. This happens when the Sun, Moon, and Earth must lie in a straight or nearly straight line and the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.

Hình minh họa 3D của hiện tượng nhật thực.

3D illustration of a solar eclipse.

According to quantrimang

Solar eclipse classificationBased on the areas of the Moon’s shadow on the Earth’s surface, people are divided into 4 types of solar eclipses Total solar eclipseThis phenomenon occurs when the Moon is around the perigee of its orbit, completely obscuring the Sun, then areas of shadow and semi-darkness will form on the Earth’s surface. To be able to observe a total solar eclipse, the viewer must stand in the path of the Moon’s shadow. People standing in the semi-dark areas can only observe the partial eclipse.

Partial eclipseThis phenomenon occurs when the Moon only partially obscures the Sun’s disk and forms a semi-dark area on the Earth’s surface.

Annular solar eclipseThis interesting astronomical phenomenon occurs when the Moon’s disk obscures the center of the Sun’s disk, leaving only the outer edges of the Sun exposed. At this point, we will see that the outer edge of the Sun is shaped like a ring. Only when the Moon is around apogee can an annular eclipse occur.

Hybrid eclipseA hybrid eclipse occurs when an annular solar eclipse turns into a total solar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs very rarely.

Nhật thực lai.

A unique phenomenon combining partial, total and annular solar eclipses will take place on April 20.

Source: VNEXPRESS + quantrimang

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