In the show Actors on Actors with Daniel Kaluuya hosted by Variety magazine, Tom Holland shared his personal experience before being accepted as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Initially, the actor went through 6 auditions, including one with Robert Downey Jr. (as Iron Man).
After six weeks of not hearing from Marvel Studios, Holland was asked to return to rehearse an action sequence with Chris Evans (as Captain America). Continuing to not receive any confirmation calls, the young actor thought he had failed, even though he personally commented that he did a good job and did not regret anything.
The actor reminisced to Daniel Kaluuya: “That day, I went out to play golf with my father. I was very sad because I lost, so I checked Instagram on my phone. Before my eyes, Marvel Studios posted pictures of Spider-Man. At this point, I still think I can’t get the role because I haven’t received any calls.”
He continued: “I sat down on the computer and typed in ‘Marvel’ and immediately got the results. I still save that post to this day: ‘We want to introduce the new Spider-Man – Tom Holland’. I was so excited that I threw the whole computer and broke it.”
Tom Holland then rushed downstairs to tell his family the good news. However, the actor’s brother did not believe it, because at that time Sony was being attacked by hackers. That could be fake news as the studio hasn’t called Holland yet.
“Then the studio called me for real. They announced that I had hit the shoulder. I have to prepare quickly to go to the set of Captain America: Civil War,” he closed.
To this day, Tom Holland is the MCU’s beloved Spider-Man. The third separate movie about the superhero in the cinematic universe has started filming and is expected to premiere in late 2021.