
Confusing Thousands of Unidentified Alien-Creatures Covering In Transparent Eggs Lengthing 7-10 сmWashed Up Argentina Beach Like Predicting Serious Disasters

An unusual phenomenon perhaps associated with climate change.

Imagine going down to the beach for a walk and finding millions of small transparent spheres instead of sand . This is what happened in Argentina on the beach of Mar della Plata, a town located in the Buenos Aires district overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The phenomenon immediately aroused the attention first of the media and then of the scientists who immediately understood what it was about.

Those spheres are nothing more than eggs , laid by a large gastropod or for the profane ” slug ” that lives in those waters, which ended up on the beach due to a storm surge . Specifically, it is the Brazilian Adelomelon , which can measure up to 15cm in length and weigh more than 250g.

A single specimen can lay hundreds of eggs and for the quantity of eggs found we are probably dealing with hundreds of specimens. The phenomenon is quite rare, the last time it occurred but to a lesser extent it was in 2013, scientists think that the large number of specimens being reproduced is partly due to warmer than normal marine waters .

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