
Unearthed The ‘National Treasure’ Of A 1 Ton Golden Lion In An Ancient Tomb, Mysteriously The Identity Of The Beauty Inside

The excavation of a 1-ton golden lion in an ancient mausoleum in Xinjiang, China made archaeologists present at the site marvel and stunned, according to Sohu.

In any historical period, gold is an extremely rare metal. Especially in the ancient feudal period of China, gold was often associated with royalty and aristocrats, showing its preciousness. Therefore, an ancient tomb filled with gold, even with a golden lion weighing up to 1 ton, the owner of the tomb must be noble and rich? This person is definitely not ordinary.

Includes golden lion cards that have been unearthed in ancient tombs.

According to Sohu, in 1976, when building a train station in Yuergou, Xinjiang, China, archaeologists unearthed dozens of ancient tombs, including a massive mausoleum filled with gold.

The quantity and quality of gold unearthed in the mausoleum was so shocking that the whole country and even the world had to admire and be stunned.

Archaeologists at the Xinjiang Institute of Cultural and Archaeological Relics, China, said that the ancient tombs belong to the period from the Spring and Autumn-Warring States period to the Qin and Han dynasties. The owners of the ancient tombs are ethnic minorities living in a nomadic way.

Among the more than 80 ancient tombs they unearthed, there are 4 larger ones, in which, one in the center is the largest and most valuable. The number of burial items unearthed in this tomb is extremely large, and belongs to the category of “unprecedented”. That’s why it’s called the “Golden Tomb”.

“Golden Tomb” is numbered 30. In the mausoleum cluster, it has a depth of 7.1 meters, is a vertical tomb, is covered with pebbles, has a simple, rustic shape, showing the style of life. ancient nomadic life.

A total of 8 gold talismans engraved with tiger images, 4 golden tiger belts, a lion talisman and more than 200 other gold ornaments such as gold beads and gold flowers were discovered in the mausoleum. tomb.

In particular, the golden lion card weighs more than 1 ton, the golden lion is carved so lifelike that everyone is shocked.

In addition, the ancient tomb also has unique lacquer products. This is a very important discovery because it helps to put an end to the controversy about whether China was able to make perfect lacquerware during the Warring States, Qin, and Han dynasties.

The excavation of the “Golden Tomb” is practically not made public for various special reasons. The details of the treasures inside the tomb and the golden lion card weighing more than 1 ton are therefore also a subject of public curiosity.

In particular, everyone wants to know who the owner of the “Golden Tomb” is and what is his special background?

According to the scant information from the research results of archaeologists, the owner of this tomb turned out to be a beautiful woman about 30.

Archaeologists have found a hole drilled in the skull of the owner of the tomb. This may have been the cause of her death.

The nomadic peoples of ancient North Asia used to use the medical technique of drilling holes in the skull to reduce intracranial pressure to relieve headaches, but this is a complicated technique, a little carelessness can lead to death.

Archaeologists surmise that the owners of the ancient tombs may be the Cheshi or the Huns, which are indigenous peoples with a long history in Xinjiang who are fond of gold.

However, the materials and patterns in the tomb are also compatible with the Xiongnu nobles, who lived in the area in the later period and also liked gold.

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