
Tomb of an overthrown Emperor reveals a dynasty that was once affluent

Twenty-seven days later, he was removed from power and removed from the list of emperors after 1127 instances of misbehavior were cited as proof in articles of impeachment by palace officials.

Liu He was exiled and forced to live as a commoner. He died there in his early 30s in 59 BC, leaving behind his 16 wives and 22 children.

Gold items excavated from the tomb of “Haihunhou” (Marquis of Haihun) – Image Credit : Alamy (Copyright)

In the northern region of Xinjian at Jiangxi, he was interred in the Marquis of Haihun’s mausoleum. In 2011, archaeologists found the tomb, and ongoing excavations have yielded some 20,000 artifacts.

With the most integrated structure, peculiar layout, and full sacrificial system of any Western Han Dynasty tomb ever discovered (206 BC–24 AD), his is one of the best preserved. The tomb in Jiangxi has produced the most artifacts overall, with the greatest variety and best craftsmanship.

A damaged lacquer “screen” was recovered in the tomb’s main chamber among the artifacts, which also included gold, bronze, and jade artifacts. Two portraits were also restored, one of which is said to be the earliest Confucius portrait ever discovered in China.

Over 5,000 pieces of Confucian classics written on bamboo slips were also discovered, demonstrating the influence of Confucius’ ideas more than 2,000 years ago.

Gold items excavated from the tomb of “Haihunhou” (Marquis of Haihun) – Image Credit : Alamy (Copyright)

The unearthed bamboo slips were subjected to infrared scanning and are now ready for further examination. They contained the Qi version of The Analects of Confucius, which had been missing for almost 1,800 years.

His life may have been marred by such misfortunes, but the artifacts discovered in his grave indicate the magnificence of an entire dynasty. The discovery of a significant collection of gold objects in a Han Dynasty tomb provides evidence of the dynasty’s substantial gold reserves.

Additionally, it is the only tomb south of the Yangtze River to contain a chariot burial place. The discovery of five perfectly intact horse-drawn carriages, each with four sacrificed horses, suggests that the owner belonged to the highest ranks of the Han Dynasty.

The marquis Liu was related to Emperor Wu, whose rule over the Han Dynasty is seen as being on par with that of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty in terms of prosperity.

“Terra-cotta Warriors may be used to learn more about Emperor Qin and his empire through archaeological artifacts. But there weren’t many artifacts for a thorough study of Emperor Wu before the discovery of the Haihunhou tomb, according to Yang Jun, a researcher at the Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and the field’s top archaeologist.


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