
Surprise the most famous beauty mummies in the world: The beautiful one, the one who carries the terrible curse

Over the years, many mummies have been found by humans in different locations on Earth. Emerging among these are several thousand-year-old beauties mummies. These bodies are unbelievably intact.

Princess Altai

The body of Princess Altai is one of the most famous beauty mummies in the world. Archaeologists found this intact mummy in the Altai Mountains in 1993.

According to experts, Princess Altai, also known as Princess Ukok, belongs to the nomadic Pazyryk tribe. This beauty is closely related to the Scythian peoples living in the Eurasian steppes who lived around the 7th century BC – 3 BC.

Princess Altai died at the age of 25 due to illness and was buried with many valuable burial belongings. This beauty is 1m70 tall, has blond hair, wears a red belt representing a warrior, wears a silk shirt and holds pine branches in both hands.

In particular, on the body of the mummy princess Altai, there are still many tattoos that can be seen clearly with the naked eye. When the mummy was found by archaeologists, there were many strange phenomena, people there believed that the curse punished anyone who disturbed the princess’s sleep.


Queen Anhapu

Queen Anhapu’s mummy was found in Deir al-Bahri, Egypt in 1881. She lived in the 21st dynasty. At the time of discovery, Queen Anhapu’s mummy was more than 1,000 years old.

Queen Anhapu was found wearing a wreath around her neck, her hair carefully braided.

This Egyptian queen had long eyelashes, white teeth and very high cheekbones. These things show that when she was alive, she was a beautiful beauty.


Princess Xiaohe

In 2003, the mummy of Princess Xiaohe was found in the Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang Autonomous Region (China). According to experts, this body is nearly 4,000 years old.

What surprised the experts was that Princess Xiaohe had smooth skin, a high nose, blond hair, thick, curved eyelids and smiling lips.

The beautiful beauty of Princess Xiaohe made experts praise this as one of the most beautiful mummies ever discovered.



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