
Mars will be visible to naked eye tonight, says Astronomy Ireland

Even from well-lit cities, stargazers in Ireland will be able to see the fourth planet from the sun tonight.According to David Moore of Astronomy Ireland, Mars will be visible this evening (Tuesday, January 3), “for several hours,” and people will be able to see it even without the use of telescopes and binoculars.

Mars will be visible to naked eye tonight, says Astronomy Ireland

The publisher of the magazine Astronomy Ireland stated in a statement:

Mars will be visible to the unaided eye all Tuesday night as it blazes above the Moon. Mars is one of the brightest “stars” in the sky due to its recent near approach to Earth.

We don’t want anyone to miss out on this natural show, which is clearly visible with the unaided eye even from well-lit towns.

We want the entire nation to experience this incredibly bright sight starting around 6 p.m. when the sky turns dark since it is one of the most magnificent celestial events of the entire month and can be seen without binoculars or telescopes , for several hours.

All planets in our solar system can be seen with naked eye in the sky  tonight - Mirror Online

Mars is 240 times farther away from us than the Moon, which is only 0.4 million kilometers away. Mars is twice as large as the Moon, with a diameter of 4,200 miles compared to the Moon’s 2,160 miles. So there won’t be many opportunities to glimpse the Red Planet from Earth.

What Planets Can You See With The Naked Eye

You have it, then. Get the deck chairs out once six o’clock arrives, along with perhaps a flask of something warm, and watch Mars dance with the Moon.headshot obtained from Shutterstock

Mars to appear as extremely bright star in Irish skies tonight as full moon  lights it up -


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