
4 legendary “Sea Monsters” Make People Afraid But Curious To Find

No one can verify that their existence is real or just a legend, but it has scared people for generations. However, these sea monsters have really spread nightmares to the whole world.

1. Japanese Sea Beast:

A member of the legendary “Four of Sea Monsters”, known by the name Ningen, this mysterious creature was discovered in the 1960s.

They are depicted with quite human-like appearance, Ningen often appear around the area of the Japanese whale research ship.

Accordingly, its body length is about 20 – 29m. What makes it so scary in the eyes of the discoverers is its humanoid shape: It has 2 arms, 5 fingers on each table and has a human-like head.

However, scientists firmly confirm that no such creature exists in the water. Maybe it’s just giant snakes or eels that have been painted with human features.

2. Bloop

This creature called Bloop was discovered in the US in 1997 and described as a bizarre underwater sound of unparalleled power, spreading nightmares to the whole world.

How many years, people still search to see what strange creatures on the seabed can make such strange sounds. From aliens, giant squid to mysterious sea creatures, many theories have been put forward around the strange sound.

Researchers believe that the sound is not from any monstrous creature, but rather the sound of icebergs splitting, creating a cracking sound that sounds extremely scary.

3. Monsters Attack Mary Celeste

The Mary Celeste was an American merchant ship found in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872.

When they boarded the ship to conduct research, American investigators discovered that the captain and crew had all disappeared, and food and water were still left behind.

Many theories have been put forward after this discovery. Some believe the boat was attacked by a sea monster, possibly a giant squid.

4. Hook Island Sea Monster

One of the most famous paintings in the world – the monster of Hook Island, is quite familiar to everyone. Discovered in Stonehave Bay, Hook Island, Queensland in 1964, the image shows a giant tadpole-like animal, circling in shallow water.

Accordingly, the animal has a length of more than 20m. The photographer claimed to have seen the animal while sailing nearby. Assuming it was dead, the photographer tried to jump into the sea and film it but was held back when it suddenly opened its mouth and moved towards him.

However, many people believe that this photographer made up the whole story and staged the photo. It could be just a school of fish or something like that.


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