
The enigmatic “group of people” standing in the clouds were discovered on the flight from Warsaw to London.

A series of strange images were captured on the flight from Warsaw to London. Thereby showing a mysterious cloud appeared in the sky.

The mysterious “group of people” standing in the cloud was taken by a person on the Warsaw – London flight. (Photo: Mufon)

These are images taken by a person on a flight from Warsaw to London.

Looking through, you can see a group of people standing in a circle on the cloud. The strange thing is that this group of people, big and small, looks very much like a family.

The person who took these pictures sent them to MUFON (a website that updates UFO documents), he said:

“On the flight from Warsaw to London, I looked out the left window, I saw it. This is definitely not a building because our plane is flying very high.”


Are these thick plumes of smoke from a power plant? (Photo: Mufon)

“There are 4 shadows: 2 high and 2 low. They stood close to each other and didn’t move. They are black, with a larger upper body and a smaller lower body. One of them seems to have wings.”

“I took pictures and showed them to my parents and brother, and they couldn’t believe their eyes. I’m also glad I’ve never seen anything like this before. After the plane continued to fly further, they disappeared from my view.”

Is this a natural phenomenon or something like aliens? (Photo from Mufon)

These images have caused some controversial comments on social networks. Some have suggested that these are thick plumes of smoke from a power plant. Some others say it’s the phenomenon of reflection of light… There are also people who think that this is an alien.

About a year ago, Nick O’Donoghue, 30, a software support team manager in Ireland, accidentally captured an object shaped like a giant robot walking in the clouds at an altitude of more than 9,000 meters. .

Photo taken by Nick O’Donoghue on an EasyJet plane from Austria to Cork, Ireland. (Photo: Mufon)

Nick was on an EasyJet flight from Austria to Cork, Ireland. The plane was flying at an altitude of more than 9,000m when he suddenly saw a strange object and quickly took a picture.

Nick’s photo attracted hundreds of other people to comment. Some say it resembles the robot The Iron Giant. Some say it resembles the giant in the story Jack and the magic bean. Nick himself said that he saw this object as the iconic Michelin robot.


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