
Life on earth began 3.8 billion years ago thanks to extraterrestrial civilisation.

Part of the scientific community believes that an extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for life on Earth 3.8 billion years ago.

Could there be planets where developed extraterrestrial civilizations existed? For several years now, there has been a question that has plagued the minds of many people. Could there be an extraterrestrial civilization much more advanced than ours?

This is because many scientists have wondered if there are solar systems in the universe that are over 10 billion years old. Given that ours is only 4,600,000 years old. Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize in Medicine laureate who is credited with discovering the structure of DNA, has also written about it.

Francis Harry Compton Crick (8 June 1916 – 28 July 2004) was a British molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist. He, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin played crucial roles in deciphering the helical structure of the DNA molecule.If solar systems exist much older than ours. Then there is the possibility that there are technologically advanced alien civilizations. Therefore, more advanced than we are for thousands of years. They may have existed even before the birth of the Earth.

Recent discoveries of exoplanets found far from our solar system support this theory.

Planet with advanced alien civilizationThe proof of this is the planet PSR B1620. It is an exoplanet located approximately 12,400 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Scorpius. It bears the unofficial nicknames “Methuselah” and “the Genesis planet” (named after the Biblical character who, according to the Bible, lived to be the oldest person),

Why don’t you think that alien life already existed on Methuselah before the formation of the Earth?

Crick proposed to the scientific community a new theory, which he called “infectious”. It includes an alien civilization that may have given rise to primitive life on Earth.

Obviously, this raises questions: how was it brought to Earth? One theory says, they did this with a spacecraft specially designed for the mission. Thus, they were able to introduce these microorganisms responsible for the origin of life.

Probably, space voyage was carried out with all possible security measures. Until this ship reached our planet, which was its goal.

The origin of earthly life – spaceIn 1986, the Origins of Life Congress, held in Berkeley, USA, was attended by 300 scientists from about 22 countries. It was concluded that this theory would be rejected as there must be different genetic codes in this case.

Subsequent discoveries in the field of genetics showed something quite different.

“All life on Earth, from bacteria to humans, has evolved from an ancestral cell.” The more important question is, what is the origin of this generic cell?

Most agreed that these “organic precursors” were delivered from space. Others were convinced that the fully formed cell came from outer space.

Manfred Eigen, Nobel laureate in chemistry, with a group from the Max Planck Society, German Society for the Advancement of Science, were able to sequence “reverse” RNA in 1989, containing the genetic information of DNA that can be used in protein synthesis.

According to Eigen, the “primary gene” could have appeared at this time. We can assume that if the human genetic code is more than 3.8 billion years old, then it must have an extraterrestrial origin.

Our scientific community has for years refused to accept the possibility of extraterrestrial life. However, now they are considering the possibility that our life had an extraterrestrial origin. And extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for life on Earth.


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