
Another giant UFO flies into the mouth of the volcano Popocatepetl

Dozens of UFO sightings have been recorded in the vicinity of the Popocatepetl volcano. They were captured by government cameras, television companies, and UFO hunters.

Experienced climbers claim that they have allegedly seen creatures over two and a half meters tall, walking without any protection in the mountains at an altitude of more than 4400 meters above sea level.

And recently, an amazing event again occurred at 5:46 am on October 5 this year at the Popocatepetl volcano, Puebla, Mexico. Webcams recorded a bright UFO that rapidly flies into the crater.

However, the object is lost in smoke, as a moment before, a small explosion occurs above the volcano and red-hot ash rises into the air.

After that, the UFO becomes visible again, and it makes a short stop to defiantly fly into the crater. One gets the impression that before entering the mouth of the volcano, the object increases its speed.

UFO spotter captures photo of huge flying disk hiding behind erupting  volcano - Mirror Online

Given what was happening, the researchers had several theories, and the most common of them was that it was an extraterrestrial ship. Others believe that it was an ordinary shooting star.

Local authorities or scientists did not react to this event in any way.

Renowned ufologist Scott Waring also commented on the UFO video. The first thing he noticed was the size of the object, which, in his opinion, is approximately 100 meters. The ufologist also suggested that a UFO base could be located under the volcano at a depth of several kilometers.


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