
Did extraterrestrials travel to Russia in 1995? The landing of a UFO was live-broadcast on a Russian TV station.

Conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has released some eerie images which were apparently captured in Ostankino, Moscow in October 1995. The YouTube channel reveals that the UFO images were originally aired by a Russian TV channel and many television news hosts claimed that aliens had entered mother earth.

Did Aliens Really Visit Earth?

The image shows a bright object landing from the skies on the edge of a road in the suburbs of Moscow. In the same image, two people were seen possibly from the Russian military watching the landing of the UFO. The flying object seems quite large in size, and at first look, it can be assumed that it measured approximately 15 to 20 feet in diameter. Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia in 1995.

Even though the news of the UFO landing ruled the headlines of the newspapers initially, the news was later hushed up for unknown reasons. Now, conspiracy theorists allege that this image might be a proof of the aliens’ first contact with humans. However, several other skeptics argue that the object spotted in the image might be actually a secret spacecraft developed by the Russian military.

The video which went viral has already garnered more than 5,700 views on YouTube and many viewers were quick to speculate what the object could be.

A YouTube user named Kelly Ward commented under the video that the weird object in the video could be a Russian made AFV (Advanced Flying Vehicle).

A Mysterious Recent Sighting

Interestingly, another speculated UFO sighting happened in Russia on the night of June 16, 2018. The white UFO which appeared in the shape of a jellyfish perplexed many local residents, and most of them initially believed that it was an alien invasion.

Alien Gray (@Alien_Gray) / Twitter

Some other people speculated that enemies have waged a war against Russia at a time when Fifa 2018 was going on. However, it was later revealed that the white trail was produced as a result of the launch of the Russian Soyuz 2.1-b rocket from the Plesetsk test launch site.

Otherwise, Russia is emerging as the centre-stage for cosmic events. Last year, a 21-year-old Russian young man claimed to have had his previous birth on Mars. Boriska Kipriyanovich, who lives in Volgograd, stunned his mother who is a doctor with his fluency in conversation within just a few months after he was born. By the age of two, he started drawing paintings depicting space and various cosmic events. From his past birth, he recollected the link between Giza Pyramids and Mars.


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