
Haivaras Ly, A Tattoo Artist From Litva, Creates Body Art.

While using a variety of tattoo techniques (geometric, ornamental, etc.), this Lithuanian artist keeps true to expressions found in the natural world.

Hello Haivaras, what does your name mean and where are you from? Tell us a little about yourself.

Yeah, my correct name is Aivaras without the ‘H’, it’s the Eastern Baltic analogue of the Scandinavian name Ivor which means – “bowman or archer”. Just using ink and needles instead of arrows. I’m from Lithuania, I’m 35 years old and I love tattooing.

When and how did you feel the desire to become a tattoo artist?

I never thought I would be tattooing, I was never drawing or doing any art related stuff. I used to do mostly sports. At a certain stage of my life I felt that I needed to mark my body with tattoos and after that I couldn’t stop thinking about it ever since. It changed my life and led me to where I’m today.

Who has been your greatest teacher so far as tattoo art is concerned?

The greatest teacher is the experience you get from the effort you put into it, not giving up and moving forward when it’s a difficult time.

Greatest teachers are motivation, determination and believing in what you do.

But of course I’m really thankfull to master Rokadze from Lithuania who opened the door to the tattoo world for me.

Is it enough for you to use words like “geometric,” “ornamental,” “black ‘n’ grey,” “inspired by Mandalas” as definitions for your tattooing style? Or do you think there is much more behind your art?It’s more craft than art to me and most of the time it’s difficult to explain correctly in words what tattoo experience gives, brings or evokes to me. It changes and evolves inside. Tattooing it’s a feeling that you can’t truly share. You have to experience it yourself! I don’t like to label my work, but it’s mostly inspired by folk, tribal art, nature, plants, etc.

Can you tell me something about your practice or your workplace? On your Instagram page I couldn’t find any indication and that seemed a bit strange because every tattoo artist likes the whole world to know where to find him…

I have been working in a private space for the last 7-8 years. People who are interested to get the work done by me are reaching directly and coming, not depending on the location.

Soon I will start a new chapter of my career and open a new space with my friend. It will be easier to reach me.

The most unforgettable tattoo convention in your life? How would you spend your 2023 in that regard?

I attended conventions some years ago, mostly around Europe. It was a great time in all of them, but I prefer to work in my space, so lately if attending some conventions, it’s just as a guest. But who knows, maybe in the future I will hit the road, you never know.

So won’t you be travelling around?

I have no plans to travel! (laughs) I will be concentrating on the new work space and on tattooing. You are always welcome in Vilnius!

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