
During an experiment in Antarctica, NASA discovered a parallel universe where time runs backwards

In today’s world, Antarctica is the epicenter of all myths and experiments. The majority of our generation’s most surprising findings were made in Antarctica, and the more we learn about it, the stranger the continent becomes and the less we know about it.

NASA recently performed an experiment on the ice of Antarctica that yielded a plethora of evidence that confirms the hypothesis of the parallel universe, and that, unlike our universe, this one follows separate physics rules.

To get more specific, NASA is confirming this, saying that this alternate world is unlike anything we’ve ever seen or heard of before, and that time seems to run backward in it.

The concept of parallel worlds has been around since 1952, when a group of scientists proposed it. This seems far-fetched at the moment, but as we all know, any idea will become a reality with enough time.

This hypothesis was proposed by Erwin Schrodinger, who argued that although the concept was insane at first, it was not unlikely.

NASA verified this theory by conducting a cosmic ray detection experiment in Antarctica, where they discovered a particle that they describe as “out of this planet.”

This is a fantastic day for theorists all over the world; with NASA by our side for the first time, we can be secure in our results.


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