
‘Alien’ spotted watching Mars rover in certain ‘proof of life’, expert claims

A UFO expert believes they have spotted an alien watching the Mars rover in photos released by NASA.

Scott C. Waring said the sighting was “100 per cent proof of intelligent life”, and described the being as about a ‘foot-tall’ with a pink body.

Scott C. Waring's sighting

Scott C. Waring, a UFO expert, believes this could be an alien life-form (Image:

Analysing the pictures on his blog UFO Sightings Daily, Waring claimed to have found the figure among rocks on the surface of the Red Planet, as the Daily Star reports.

The original image was uploaded by Nasa in April 2021 but was found by Waring on February 3, 2022, and it appears to show the alien laying in a relaxed pose, similar to Kate Winslet in Titanic.

A blurry image from the Mars rover

Could this be proof of alien life? ( Image:

Waring said: “Everyone here knows I love to comb through NASA photos. Well, I came across something unique… something that is 100 per cent proof of intelligent life.

“There is a person laying down watching the NASA Mars rover from a safe distance away.

“The person is about one foot tall, and is laying down, pinkish upper chest, neck and face, radish hair, wearing a dark suit, but has a grey object over one shoulder, it looks like a backpack of some sort.

“There are even footprints behind the person leading up to the location they chose to lay down at.”

Meanwhile, a woman says that she is having daily encounters with aliens after she spotted her first UFO during lockdown.

Lily Nova, 29, said that she took up astrophotography out of boredom and made her first sighting in November, followed by another a short while later, and things ramped up from there.

Now, not a day goes by that she doesn’t see a floating orb, a metallic ship, or an extra-terrestrial being – and she can even describe what they look like.

Lily from St Louis, Missouri, US, said one of the aliens looked like a girl with light blue skin, no hair, and added that the “very beautiful” being was wearing a skin-tight grey suit.


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