
Ancient Maya statue with a face similar to a QR code caused a stir in public opinion

A photo of a statue whose face resembles a QR code is causing a stir in the media. Some imaginative people argue that it is evidence of the existence of ancient aliens.

Ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico are present almost everywhere. But only a few have been excavated, and their priceless artifacts are housed in museums across Mexico.

However, one artifact that makes many people feel amazed is the statue whose face resembles a QR code. Is this proof that aliens have come to Earth from time immemorial?The statue has an unusual face

In fact, this face is a flat clay plate that looks a lot like the QR code we are still using in modern society to scan into smart devices.

There is a theory that the purpose of creating this statue at the time was to allow people thousands of years later to use it as a scanning code.

Experts also concluded that it seemed to contain a warning of something, possibly an impending disaster in the future.

Ancient Maya statue whose face resembles a QR code. (Photo: according to AD)

Amazingly, QR codes were only invented in 1994. How could the Maya make a statue with a face that looks so much like a QR code? Is this just a coincidence or is there a secret that people today cannot discover?

Many people have tried to scan this “code” to no avail. In addition, many people have searched for images of this statue on Google… but they have found hundreds of photos with different QR codes attached to the face of the statue.

These codes are scamming people, they will take you to websites that sell donaton drugs, or different online stores, etc.

The truth is that this statue is very special. It contains a mysterious message that we all hope to find out soon…

QR codes were only invented in 1994. How did the Mayans create a statue with a face that looks like a QR code? (Artwork: AD)

What do you think of this statue with a QR code face?


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