
Shocked Fisherman Catches An Alien-like Creature With Strange Look

The fishermen were taken aback when they came across this odd critter that appeared to be from another planet. Oscar Lundahl nearly jumped out of his fishing boat when he first saw the strange-looking species with bulbous eyes.

Shocked teenager catches alien-like fish with 'head of lion and tail of  dragon' - Mirror Online

The Latin name of the ratfish is Chimaeras Monstrosa Linnaeus. It started from the Greek mythological creature with a dragon’s tail and a lion’s head. Strange creatures are rarely caught since they live in deep water. They may have developed big eyes to help them see in such deep, dark places.

Shocked teenager catches alien-like fish with 'head of lion and tail of  dragon' - Mirror Online

Oscar, a 19-year-old fishing guide of Nordic Sea Angling, accidently caught the species off the coast of northern Norway. He claimed that they had been pursuing a rare kind of blue halibut five kilometers off the coast.

Near the end of his line, which contained four hooks, he discovered a massive object. He reeled it in after spending nearly 30 minutes at a depth of 800 meters. He was pleased to see that there were two halibuts on each of the hooks, but then he became aware of an unexpected development. He had never seen anything like it before and it was great. To put it simply, it seemed odd – almost like a dinosaur. His coworker knew what it was, but he had no idea.

Fisherman Reels In Dinosaur-Like 'Ghost Shark' From 800 Meters Underwater  Off Coast of Norway

It is safe for people to go ᴄʟᴏsᴇ to the fish because they have been there for 300 million years. They like eating crabs and sea snails. The dramatic change in pressure that followed caused the ratfish to perish as it was being lifted out of the water.





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