
Quantum Experiment Breaks Reality By Seeing Two Versions Of Reality Existing At The Same Time

We are conscious of the distortion in our reality-perception. Our senses, communities, and knowledge all have an influence on how we perceive the world.

You might also want to reconsider your conviction that science will always present you with an impartial reality.

Today, physicists can confirm a theory that Nobel Prize winner Eugen Wigner first proposed in 1961. The experiment’s “Wigner’s Friend” environment is not overly challenging. You start off with a quantum system that is superposed, which means that both of its states coexist simultaneously up until the point of measurement. The polarization (the axis on which a photon spins) is shown in this figure to be both horizontal and vertical.

Quantum Experiment Sees Two Versions Of Reality Existing At The Same Time |  IFLScience

The system will break down and the photon will become trapped in one of those two states when it is measured. The experiment is being conducted in the lab by Wigner’s pal. For Wigner, who is not in the lab and is unaware of the results of the experiment, the quantum system—which is crucially also inclusive of the lab—remains in superposition. Both are accurate even though the results are different. This is similar to Schrödinger’s cat, a thought experiment on superposition, if Schrödinger and his cat-in-a-box were both in a box. It appears that Wigner’s world and his friend’s reality coexist as a result. And that’s a challenge.

The system’s four entangled observers and cutting-edge six-photon experiment showed that while one part of the system generated a measurement, the other indicated that the measurement had not been performed. Two realities were simultaneously measured. This validates the assertion made by quantum theories, whose conceptual framework already takes observer dependence into account, claims the study.

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The researchers write in their report, which is available to read on ArXiv but has not yet been subject to peer review, that “This calls into question the veracity of the facts that the two observers established as being objective.

Can their varied records be reconciled, or are they fundamentally incompatible—making it impossible to accept them as objective, observer-independent “facts of the world”—in which case they cannot be considered at all? “?

Even if science is the best tool we have for comprehending reality, the effect and limitations of the observers are widely acknowledged. Relativity says that observers may not see simultaneous events at the same moment. Quantum physics teaches us that experiments are affected by the observers’ actions. Now, at least on a quantum level, it appears like two worlds may coexist.


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