
‘Curse of the Pharaohs’: was it real? A new investigation reveals the cause of the tomb searchers’ fatalities at King Tutankhamen

The entrance of a tomb was found on November 4, 1922, by Howard Carter and his crew in Egypt. In the book, ‘The Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun’, he praised this discovery.Faster than that, talk of a curse perhaps afflicting everyone who had entered the tomb of King Tut began to gain popularity.

King Tutankhamen tomb: Was 'Curse of the Pharaohs' true? New study unveils  explanation for deaths of King Tutankhamen tomb explorers - The Economic  Times

After the earl passed away, more people perished, including an American financier named George Jay Gould. He passed away from pneumonia shortly after seeing the tomb in 1923, and a British X-ray expert named Sir Archibald Douglas Reid also passed away shortly after viewing the mummy in London.American archaeologist James Henry Breasted lived until 1935 but expired from an infection following his final trip to Egypt.

Curse of the Pharaoh: Why is There a Never-dying Interest in Boy King Tut's  Mummy?

He reportedly left a note in which he wrote that he succumbed to a curse. Richard Bethell was suffocated to death at his London club. He was the first person to enter the grave behind his employer. Lord Carnarvon could easily have inhaled polluted grain dust as the sealed tomb was opened.

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DNA evidence indicates the origin of the Black Death.Two types of fungi, Aspergillus niger, and Aspergillus flavus were found in more recent scientific examinations of Egyptian mummies and tombs.


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