
There’s life on Mars, but humans are NOT ready to know, NASA recently revealed

The NASA lead scientific officer Jim Green recently released a new release, stating that the European Space Agency would soon find alien activity on Mars in a few months.

According to him, the finding will occur before 2021, as the planet is fully able to recognize the presence of alien life.

The Daily Telegraph was the publication that questioned Mr. Green and claimed in that interview that when the announcement is made, the future will shift eternally.

He also voiced his reservations on the route, mentioning that considering the reality that he personally does not see the universe like anyone else is doing and overriding his comments about the subject.

He is one of the top NASA participants and one of the few specifically interested in the Mars 2020 boiling series.

According to him, ESA’s ExoMars rover will obtain and bring samples of these extraterrestrial types to Earth where they are announced officially to the general public.

He also noted that Mars is not alone, we have evidence that even Venus may be full of life forms and more.

We’re not the only technologically sophisticated race up there, Jim notes, and he feels there’s no excuse why there’d be no consideration about how many stars there are.

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