
Fans Troll Barry Keoghan After He Refuses To Accept Eternals Being Blasted With Bad Reviews

Eternals came out a year ago with an unfortunate response that led fans to disregard the movie almost completely. Barry Keoghan was a part of two superhero movies in 2022, but only one of them was able to win the hearts of the fans. On one hand, his work as the Joker had been highly appreciated and on the other hand, his work as Druig left fans confused as to why there was not more of him in the movie.

Barry Keoghan

Barry Keoghan as Druig in Eternals

Chloé Zhao’s Oscar win made fans even more excited about the movie and all they received in return was a disappointment. There is no concrete news of a sequel for the movie as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is focusing on other projects of the franchise. However, it cannot be denied that the movie introduced a lot of new characters who are more than likely to return to future projects.

Barry Keoghan Thinks That Eternals Was New Rather Than Bad

Barry Keoghan had recently been pondering on the movie and how it had been rather underwhelming for the fans. The new aspects that had been introduced in Eternals not only included the characters, but also new types of superpowers and beings. The Celestials had been long awaited in the MCU and their arrival was something of much anticipation. The movie brought about new powers, new beings, new environments, and new lore.

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A still from the movie

This had been welcomed no doubt, but this was countered by how rushed the movie had been. It did not allow any of these fresh aspects to be explored. Every time it felt like the focus would be on one character and the audience could perhaps learn something about them, the scene would be cut short and either go back to Sersi who might as well have been the focus of the movie, and not the rest of the characters.

“I think Chloe [Zhao] brought a whole kind of feel to it. You know? So Chloe brings – as you’ve seen from her past films – raw performances and really really touching performances. I don’t think it was… I think it was new. I think it was just new. It was new for the Marvel world.” 

To Keoghan, this was not as big of an issue because he believed that the only reason that the fans could not welcome his movie and his character was due to how unfamiliar all the different fragments of the movie had been. He emphasized how the aspect that made the movie unable to connect with the fans had not been its lack of development of the story and the characters or the fact that balancing too many characters had become difficult by the end of it. It had instead been the fact that the factors of the movie had been too new for the MCU fans to merge with.

Fans Mock Barry Keoghan For Supporting Eternals

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Druig in Eternals

There are not many people who have something positive to say about Eternals. It was a movie that was rather negatively acclaimed by critics. Seeing that Barry Keoghan still has hope for a sequel and a potential way that fans could appreciate the movie like the cast and the director do, has made them mock him on social media.

Eternals is now streaming on Disney+.


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