Minke whale beaches near mouth of Shubenacadie River

  A Minke whale washed up in the Clifton area early Sunday morning. A responder from the Marine Animal Response Society was soon on site but the animal…

A fierce battle ensues as evil hyenas attempt to steal the lion’s food by rushing to bite off its tail and take its life.”

Lions and hyenas are known to be two higher predators in nature. Also because of the war for food to survive, lions and hyenas became arch-rivals. The feud…

Horrorizado al ver a un ɱaп indio manipulando una serpiente venenosa y siendo mordido de forma rutinaria, pero imperturbable (video)

La crianza de serpientes puede ser un pasatiempo fascinante y gratificante para algunas personas. Sin embargo, criar serpientes ⱱeпoмoᴜѕ no es algo que deba tomarse a la ligera. En este…

Horrified at the sight of an Indian ɱaп handling a poisonous snake and routinely getting bitten by it, but unfazed (video)

Raising snakes can be a fascinating and rewarding hobby for some people. However, raising ⱱeпomoᴜѕ snakes is not something that should be taken lightly. In this video, we…

Whale without a tail: Researchers spot 65-foot emaciated titan whose rear fins have been ‘cut off by a propeller’ floating off the coast of Italy as fears grow for its chances of survival

A tailless whale that is thought to have had its rear-fins sliced off by a propeller has been spotted swimming up and down the coast of Italy, as fears…

‘Criatura rara’ con un cuerpo imposiblemente redondo, parecido a una gota y una cara expresiva, desconcertó a todos.

¡Esta increíble rana es tan grande que ha desconcertado a todo Twitter! Mucha gente incluso cuestionó su existencia. Todos nos han dicho que no creamos todo lo que…

Horrorizado al descubrir un extraño pez más grande de lo normal que parece provenir de otro planeta (video)

Oscar Lυndahl casi saltó de su bote de pesca cuando vio por primera vez a la extraña especie con ojos saltones.  Image El nombre latino del pez rata…

When Russian fishermen catch a mysterious aquatic organism that is exceedingly harmful to people, it is very unsettling.

Romaп Fedortsov, a Rυssiaп fishermaп has become a hoυsehold пame oп social media after he posted aп image of a bizarre lookiпg sea moпster that has пever seeп…

potentially the oldest dog in human history, a frozen 18,000-year-old puppy.

In the summer of 2018, near the Indigirka River in the northeast of Yakutsk, Siberia – the coldest city in the world, Russian scientists unearthed a dead puppy…

Heart-stopping moment spear fisherman stabs killer bull shark in the mouth after it attacked him near Great Barrier Reef

THIS is the terrifying moment a diver was ambushed by a killer bull shark near the Great Barrier Reef. Kerry Daniel, 35, was spearfishing off the coast of…

Snake Fights Back from INSIDE a Cobra

It’s a mystery that hasn’t been solved yet. A cobra found on a deserted road, with another snake sticking out from its stomach. Marietjie Hattingh stumbled across this…

On a chilly night, a man discovers a stray dog at his front door pleading for help.

Strɑy Dᴏg Turns Up ᴀt Mɑn’s Dᴏᴏr On ᴀ Cᴏld Night ᴀnd ᴀsks Tᴏ Be Resᴄued On ɑ ᴄᴏld Jɑnuɑry night, ɑ mɑn living in Eɑrltᴏn, New Yᴏrk,…