Author: Bevis

Durante su paseo por el costado de la carretera, un ciclista que pasaba vio una pitón de dos metros de largo comiendo una zarigüeya. Los lugareños de Brisbane se reunieron alrededor de esta feroz exhibición cuando apareció el motociclista Adrian Brand y comenzó a disparar. La zarigüeya, según el Sr. Brand, debe haberse caído del árbol. La pitón lo habría estado esperando cuando se estaba quedando dormido. Fue sofocante para ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ. La zarigüeya todavía estaba viva cuando Brand se subió por primera vez al sᴄᴇɴᴇ. Recogió la serpiente y la reubicó fuera de la carretera. Puedes ver cómo la serpiente se aferraba tenazmente a…

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Este lagarto caimán casi fue tragado por completo por una serpiente rey, pero decidió escabullirse. El valiente reptil se aferró tenazmente a la serpiente rey de California porque no podía soportar la idea de que se convertiría en alimento. Bryan Snyder, naturalista y autor de Santa Bárbara, California, capturó las extrañas imágenes mientras disfrutaba de un paseo matutino por el valle de Santa Ynez. Según Bryan, una serpiente rey de California agarró el cuerpo de un lagarto caimán para aplastarlo, pero el lagarto se enganchó al cuerpo de la serpiente antes de que pudiera volverse para consumirla de cabeza. El lagarto…

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La S Ln Navy recuperó un elefante asiático del In Ocean. El animal probablemente estaba cruzando la laguna de Kokkilai, un cuerpo de agua considerable encajado entre dos junglas, cuando quedó atrapado en una corriente que lo llevó al mar, según el personal militar. Los elefantes nadan con frecuencia, lo que puede sorprender a algunas personas, pero este es un pasatiempo típico de los elefantes. Los elefantes son nadadores s𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁 y pueden cruzar estrechos de hasta 6 millas de distancia para ir de una isla a otra. Sin embargo, el rango de natación de un elefante suele ser mucho más corto que 10…

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Las pequeñas ovejas negras de las Hébridas son autóctonas de Escocia. Tienen rasgos en común con otros miembros del grupo de cola corta del norte de Europa. Las ovejas de las Hébridas tienen varios cuernos. Las ovejas se descornan con poca frecuencia, y tanto los carneros como las ovejas pueden tener dos, cuatro o incluso más cuernos. Las ovejas de las Hébridas son pequeñas, atractivas y tienen hermosos huesos. Cuando están completamente maduras, las ovejas pesan alrededor de 40 kg, siendo los carneros proporcionalmente más grandes. Las Hébridas se pueden mantener en mayor número por hectárea que las razas más pesadas porque ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ pastan menos,…

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Dok Rak, el elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 del Elephant Nature Park, intenta dormir. Desafortunadamente, su madre y su niñera lo despiertan con frecuencia y se oponen a que se vaya a dormir. Mira a ver cómo responde. ¡Nunca había visto un nuevo elefante 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 tan adorable como él!   Fue alojado en un santuario, pero la manada aún le inculca sus instintos salvajes. Incluso cuando está durmiendo, lo están advirtiendo y corrigiendo todo el tiempo. Al ser un elefante salvaje, el elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 debe estar preparado para huir en cualquier momento si su madre detecta un depredador. When an elephant mother gives 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡, a friend or family…

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Para obtener el mejor lugar en un abrevadero, una manada de elefantes cargó contra una multitud de hipopótamos en este preciso momento. La Reserva Natural de Pilanesberg en Sudáfrica fue testigo de la impresionante confrontación de los gigantes de la naturaleza. La fotógrafa de vida silvestre Corlette Wessels, de 47 años, estaba a solo unos metros de distancia cuando una gran vaca elefante comenzó a agitarse por la presencia de los hipopótamos cercanos. La mala actitud del elefante rápidamente se convirtió en una carga, lo que obligó al hipopótamo a darse la vuelta y huir. Después de descubrir que una de las…

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Get the euphoria of celebrating Chinese New Year. You can prepare delicious food, decorate your home, prepare parties, gifts, and more. And also can place plants at home or your office to make your Chinese New Year feel alive and special. Look at these Auspicious Plants for Chinese New Year. Check it out! Bromeliad Part of the same family as the pineapple plant, Bromeliad is perfect to decorate your home as an auspicious plant for the Chinese New Year. This lucky plant symbolizes good fortune arriving. They have a bright coloring that can survive in medium to bright light near the window.…

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La presencia de un elefante en la habitación frecuentemente genera tensión, discusiones y altercados físicos. Sin embargo, un video de un elefante resolviendo un conflicto entre dos avestruces mostró que puede suceder exactamente lo contrario. En el Parque Nacional Tarangire de Tanzania, un elefante toro maduro interrumpió una feroz pelea entre dos avestruces enfurecidas. Los grandes pájaros fueron vistos pateándose violentamente en abril del año pasado cuando su discusión se intensificó. Mientras los avestruces enganchaban las plumas, un enorme elefante toro se acercó para ver mejor qué estaba causando el ruido. La magnífica bestia se acercó a la pareja y los observó en…

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Anja Kruger estaba de viaje en el Parque Nacional Kruger, mientras estaba de vacaciones con su familia. Al salir de Skukuza hacia Tshokwane, hay un pozo de agua famoso llamado Leeupan, que, del afrikáans, se traduce directamente como “Pozo de agua del león”. Muy bien llamado, ¿no? Cuando Anja se detuvo en el abrevadero, vio a una leona escondida en los arbustos acechando un viaje de jirafas. Parecía como si las jirafas hubieran visto al león, todos la miraban fijamente. ¡¡Repentinamente!! La leona cargó contra la jirafa y apuntó a uno de los terneros. La secuencia de fotos que Anja capturó de la cacería…

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The presence of an elephant in the room frequently leads to tension, arguments, and physical altercations. However, a video of an elephant resolving a conflict between two ostriches shown that the exact opposite can happen. In Tanzania’s Tarangire National Park, a mature bull elephant broke up a vicious fight between two enraged ostriches. The large birds were seen violently kicking each other in April of last year as their argument intensified. As the ostriches locked feathers, a huge bull elephant moved closer to have a better look at what was causing the noise. The magnificent beast came close to the…

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Ostia Antica is an archaeological site located on the outskirts of Rome. Although the Romans referred to the site as Ostia, this article will use the term Ostia Antica, so as to avoid confusion with the modern Roman municipio of Ostia (known officially as Lido di Ostia). Ostia Antica was the harbor city of ancient Rome and was therefore an important commercial center. The city enjoyed great prosperity during the Imperial period, but began to decline around the 3rd century AD. This decline was gradual, and Ostia Antica was finally abandoned during the 9th century AD. During the Medieval and Renaissance periods, the ruins of…

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Christmas cacti (Schlumbergera) bloom during the Christmas season, from late November to January – hence their name. They make great Christmas gifts – their bright, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of red, white, pink, purple and even yellow add a welcome splash of color to any room. Their flat, segmented and trailing stems look attractive all year round. You’ll find Christmas cactus plants in garden centers or supermarkets during the holiday season, but for the widest range of varieties, it’s best to buy from specialist online retailers. Schlumbergera are forest cactus in the wild, they grow in tropical rain forests, where…

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A mother elephant and her daughter had an emotional reunion at the Elephant Nature Park, a rescue and rehabilitation facility in Tʜᴀɪʟᴀɴᴅ, after being separated for more than three years by the tourism industry. The amazing event was captured on camera and demonstrated the emotional ties that existed between elephants. After traveling 100 kilometers through the Thai forest, Me-Bai, a young elephant, was snuggling her mother, Mae Yui, as the pair joyfully flapped their ears and massaged each other with their trunks in the Elephant Nature Park refuge in the country’s north. Me-Bai, who was 3 and a half years…

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In order to get the best spot at a watering hole, an elephant herd charged a crowd of hippos at this precise moment. The Pilanesberg Nature Reserve in South Africa saw the breathtaking confrontation of nature’s giants. Wildlife photographer Corlette Wessels, 47, was only a few yards away when a large elephant cow began to become agitated by the presence of the nearby hippos. The elephant’s foul attitude quickly turned into a charge, forcing the hippo to turn and flee. After discovering one of the hippos’ herd in peril, many elephants began the chase, sending the hippos running for cover. …

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An 8,000-year-old statuette of what could be a fertility goddess has been unearthed at a Neolithic site in Turkey, according to archaeologists. The figurine, discovered at Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, was wrought from recrystallized limestone between 6300 and 6000 B.C. That material is rare for an area where most previously discovered pieces were sculpted from clay, the researchers said. The archaeologists think this figurine, which is conventionally associated with fertility goddesses, is also representative of an elderly woman who had risen to prominence in Çatalhöyük’s famously egalitarian society. Goddess figurines were common in the Neolithic period, with those found at…

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Dok Rak, the baby elephant at Elephant Nature Park, tries to sleep. Unfortunately, he is frequently awakened by his mother and nanny who oppose him going to sleep. Watch to see how he responds. I’ve never seen a newborn elephant as adorable as him! He was housed in a sanctuary, yet the herd still instills its savage instincts in him. Even when he is sleeping, they are warning and correcting him all the time. Being a wild elephant, the baby elephant must be prepared to flee at any moment if its mother detects a predator. When an elephant mother gives…

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Palaeontologists have made a massive discovery in the United Kingdom’s smallest county — the fossilized remains of a giant Jurassic sea creature. The fossil, which researchers said is “very well-preserved,” is said to be the “palaeontological discovery of a lifetime,” according to the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust. The fossil was found at the Rutland Water Nature Reserve in central England in February 2021, according to an announcement from the wildlife trust. Joe Davis, who works on the water conservation team for the trust, found it during a routine draining procedure for re-landscaping. At first, he said in a statement, he…

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In the summer that is currently being served there is no other reason to make your yard turn colorful with beautiful flowers and bloom every day. Even throughout the season you can design a yard with beautiful flowers all year round to entertain yourself when you are tired of work. Well this is how you to start the summer flowers and beautiful flowers throughout the day. This is the type of flower you can use in the house below! Lemon Verbena Well the type of plants that must be in the yard oy your house this time is from the…

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Small, black Hebridean sheep are indigenous to Scotland. They have traits in common with other members of the North European short-tailed group. Hebridean sheep have several horns. Ewes are infrequently polled, and rams and ewes are both capable of having two, four, or even more horns. Hebridean sheep are small, attractive, and have beautiful bones. When fully mature, ewes weigh about 40 kg, with rams being proportionately larger. Hebrideans can be kept in greater numbers per hectare than heavier breeds because they ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ pasture less, especially in wet weather, than heavier breeds. Their hard, black hooves also make foot problems…

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Women that are really adventurous will benefit most from having pointed nails. Such nails are sometimes referred to as stiletto nails, and they gained popularity as a result of celebrities like Adele and Rihanna who consistently astounded us with the extremeness of their stiletto nail designs. But there are more reasons why women all around the globe adore sporting stiletto nails – they make our hands appear slender and long and thus more feminine. How to get the stiletto shape? Alternate filing the sides towards the middle of your nail. In case you need it, mark the center of your…

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A very large Roman water basin that once held more than four million liters of water has been discovered 20 meters (65 ft) below street level in the heart of Rome.  Archaeologists are saying it is the largest Roman water basin ever found. According to Discovery News , the irrigation basin was discovered during excavations for a new metro line through the city, nor far from St John in Lateran Basilica, the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome. Archaeologists were able to determine that the ancient structure would have been used for agriculture to distribute water along canals, with the help…

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The master of large-scale Black’n’Grey compositions from Denmark tells us about his exciting life spent in constant contact with the top tattoo artists. Let’s listen to him… Hi Mads, would you like to take stock of the past 10 years, from your entry as an apprentice at ‘Bad Boyz Tattoo’ in Frederikssund to your current status as master of Black-n-Grey style? I think I’m in my 15th year by now. Almost half of my life I’ve been tattooing, which is pretty cool for me to think about. Actually I got my first apprenticeship at ‘Downunder Tattoo’ in Copenhagen, with Tim…

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The S Ln Navy recovered an Asian elephant from the In Ocean. The animal was probably crossing the Kokkilai lagoon, a sizable body of water wedged between two jungles, when it became stuck in a riptide or current that took it out to sea, according to military personnel. Elephants frequently swim, which may surprise some people, but this is a typical pastime for elephants. Elephants are skilled swimmers and can cross straits up to 6 miles apart to get from one island to another. However, an elephant’s swimming range is typically far shorter than 10 kilometers. The S. L. Department…

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Nature will never cease to surprise us. Despite the tireless work of scientists and biologists, there are still thousands of species that we do not know and there are countless animals that are just beginning to be known to us. This is something we remember every time someone on the networks starts talking about a peculiar little animal and millions of users respond saying that they had no idea that something like this existed. Normally, it is a species that lives in Australia but recently there is a small and strange animal that has caused a furor in the networks.…

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