Bucharest – According to ancient legends, there was once a great race of people who erected enormous structures like pyramids and enormous divine temples. Additionally, the story of…


Skeleton Study Tracks Europe’s First Equestrians A Yamnaya grave of a male horse rider found in Malomirovo, Bulgaria. He died between the ages of 65 and 75. Archaeologists…

Signatures of alien technology could be how humanity first finds extraterrestrial life

The technology of an advanced alien civilization is likely to produce many signs that could be detected across the vastness of space. Two astronomers explain the search for…

Super-Earths are bigger, more common, and more habitable than Earth itself

Newly discovered super-Earths add to the list of exoplanets that offer the best chance of finding life. An astronomer explains what makes these super-Earths such excellent candidates. Astronomers…

In Lowbury Hill Mystery of Anglo-Saxons buried 1,400 years ago may soon be solved

The mystery surrounding the remains of two Anglo-Saxons buried 1,400 years ago in south Oxfordshire, identified as a man and a woman, may finally be solved thanks to…

Two-thirds of the world’s albatross species are globally threatened because of human action, with up to 100,000 birds killed annually as bycatch.

Two-thirds of the world’s albatross species are globally threatened because of human action, with up to 100,000 birds killed annually as bycatch. Fortunately, BirdLife and partners are turning…

Success in the Savannah: Saving the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw

Only 30 years ago, Blue-throated Macaw, an endemic to the Beni savannahs of Bolivia, was feared extinct. However, a wide-ranging conservation programme by Asociación Armonía (BirdLife in Bolivia)…


Genetic Study Examines Europe’s Hunter-Gatherers The Gravettian populations were widespread around Europe about 32,000-24,000 years ago. Although these prehistoric human groups differed in terms of genetics, they did…

The $10 Billion Webb Telescope Has Been Permanently Damaged, Say Scientists

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or Webb), 3d illustration, elements of this image are furnished by NASA GETTY Scientists are reporting that damage sustained to the James Webb…

A piece of the Sun broke off and was swallowed by a polar vortex

NASA scientists spotted a strange polar vortex near the Sun’s northern pole. The vortex appears to be part of a huge filament of solar plasma that the space…


The 1,000-year-old Church was found under a cornfield in Germany The foundation walls of the large church of the rediscovered Royal Palace of Helfta in Eisleben in the…

How to observe exoplanets from your backyard

With the right equipment and techniques, finding these elusive objects is easier than you think. This artist’s illustration shows Dimidium (51 Pegasi b), the first exoplanet discovered that…