Earth Is spinning faster now than it was 50 years ago. Compensating for the lost time may prove challenging for scientists.

Ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day? Turns out, you might be onto something. Earth is rotating faster than it has in the last…

1,000-year-old brick tomb discovered in China is decorated with lions, sea anemones and ‘guardian spirits’. Archaeologists from the Shanxi Institute say the three bodies found there were those of two adults aged between 50 and 60 years old, and one child aged between 6 and 8 years old.

1,000-year-old brick tomb discovered in China is decorated with lions, sea anemones and ‘guardian spirits’ The inner chamber of the ornate tomb is made of bricks shaped to…

One of the most brilliantly colored ducks anywhere in the world is the male Mandarin duck. This delicate duck is a feast for the eyes, especially when it is in full plumage during the breeding season. Continue reading to learn 10 facts about the Mandarin duck.

Ducks perhaps aren’t the first type of bird that comes to mind when you think of colorful birds with flashy patterns. While it’s true that most ducks aren…

Pharaoh Menkaure – Egyptian Ruler Who Tried To Outsmart Fate

A. Sutherland  – – Giza pyramids belong to Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, and vandals and thieves looted them a long time ago. The southernmost is associated with Menkaure…

Found worldwide, these unique looking birds are always fun to watch. In this article we explore 14 facts about kingfishers and how they are unique in the animal kingdom.

Kingfishers are very easy to recognize. Their powerful bills allow them to spear fish when they dive into the water, and their colorful feathers glitter just like the…

Pioneer 11 was the first spacecraft to explore Saturn up close. But that was far from its only accomplishment. 50 years ago, Pioneer 11 set sail for the outer solar system

50 years ago, Pioneer 11 set sail for the outer solar systemPioneer 11 was the first spacecraft to explore Saturn up close. But that was far from its…

Bearded Reedlings are tiny birds that thrive in wetlands near freshwater or brackish water. They get their name from the black “beards” they have……10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BEARDED REEDLINGS

If you live in North America, you may not have heard of the Bearded Reedling. This small wetland bird has a cute and unique appearance. In this article…

The blue color of their plumage is all optics and is created by the way light waves interact with their feathers…16 types of the most beautiful blue birds in the world

Blue is one of the most peaceful colors, and it makes sense that we find blue birds to be some of the most calm and relaxing birds around….


A Scientist Claims The World’s Oldest Pyramid Is Hidden in an Indonesian Mountain When Dutch colonists became the first Europeans to discover Gunung (Mount) Padang in the early…


Bluebirds and blue jays are two blue-feathered birds that live in North America. While these songbirds are both blue, they have many differences that make them easy to tell apart. …

Another alignment milestone has been reached, and the telescope is outperforming expectations.

Another alignment milestone has been reached, and the telescope is outperforming expectations. In early February, NASA engineers began to remotely align the 18 hexagonal segments of the James…

If humanity wants to travel between stars, people are going to need to travel faster than light. New research suggests that it might be possible to build warp drives and beat the galactic speed limit.

Warp drives: Physicists investigate faster-than-light space travel If humanity wants to travel between stars, people are going to need to travel faster than light. New research suggests that…