Author: Y M

She’s making the most of an unusual situation after the entertainment industry was turned upside down due to the ongoing global pandemic. But Anne Hathaway didn’t let COVID-19 stop her from dressing to the nines for the release of The Witches on HBO Max Thursday afternoon. The 37-year-old actress joked ‘no premiere, no problem’ as she struck a pose wearing a gorgeous red Ralph & Russo dress while overlooking Harrods in London. Seeing red: Anne Hathaway didn’t let COVID-19 stop her from dressing to the nines for the release of The Witches on HBO Max Thursday afternoon ‘I hope you all enjoy Robert Zemeckis’s reimagining…

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Anne Hathaway reveals she had to suffer a DIY haircut just like everyone else during the pandemic before filming her latest movie. The actress, 38, admitted she was ‘terrified’ of using a stylist outside of her working bubble while shooting pandemic themed-film, Locked Down. Anne said she ‘wrongly assumed’ that the hair stylist on set in London would be able to cut her hair, but he said it wasn’t in his skillset. DIY: Anne Hathaway reveals she had to suffer a DIY haircut just like everyone else during the pandemic before filming her latest movie Talking to the Radio Times, Anne said: ‘I was…

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Anne Hathaway multitasked while out and about in New York City this week. The 40-year-old longtime actress — who attended the Berlin Film Festival this month — chatted on the phone while holding a folder and notepad as she walked through the city. The mother-of-two was seen by herself as she kept warm in a long black wool coat. The fashion-forward Hollywood fixture also wrapped a green silk scarf around her neck that had pink and cream accents. Showing off her effortlessly cool style, the brunette beauty donned a pair of cuffed baggy jeans. Busy lady: Anne Hathaway multitasked while out and about in New York…

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El tigre de Sumatra es una especie en peligro extinción debido a la caza furtiva. Tigre de Sumatra en bosque de Indonesia | Steve Winter Un tigre de Sumatra atacó e hirió a dos agricultores en una aldea de Indonesia, siendo este el segundo ataque de este tipo en pocos días, y las autoridades prometieron capturar al felino responsable. El último ataque ocurrió en una reserva forestal protegida en la provincia de Aceh, en el norte de la isla de Sumatra, alrededor de las 21:00 horas delmartes. Los tigres de Sumatra, apetecidos por partes de su cuerpo, son considerados críticamente…

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Los elefantes, que viajaban con una manada de alrededor de diez paquidermos, cayeron en un socavón cerca del parque nacional de Lam Khlong Ngu. Empleados del parque y vecinos de la zona usaron una excavadora para facilitar la salida de la elefanta y su cría del agujero. Una elefanta y su cría fueron rescatadas este lunes, un día después de caer en un hoyo de unos cinco metros de profundidad en una zona boscosa en la provincia de Kanchanaburi, en el oeste de Tailandia. Los elefantes, que viajaban con una manada de alrededor de diez paquidermos, se cayeron en el…

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Rescatista del minino busca que una familia lo adopte, porque solo puede ofrecerle refugio temporal. El gato que incursionó en una sala de cuidados intensivos del hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo (IESS) busca hogar. Foto: Cortesía En los últimos días, el vídeo de un gato blanco con manchas amarillas deambulando desorientado dentro de una sala de cuidados intensivos del hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo del IESS (sur de Guayaquil) se convirtió en noticia viral en las redes sociales. El hecho sorprendió y alertó especialmente a la ciudadanía, porque el minino incursionó en un sitio donde en su interior reposan pacientes en recuperación. De acuerdo con información de la casa…

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En redes sociales se difundieron las imágenes en las que se observa al hombre con un cuchillo. En redes sociales se difundió el video en el que se observa al comerciante lanzar un cuchillo al animal. Foto: Captura de video Con un cuchillo, un comerciante de cárnicos apuñaló a un perro dentro de un mercado en El Empalme, en Guayas. Desde la noche del jueves 29, en redes sociales se viralizó el video en el que se observa cómo el can se acerca a un puesto de cárnicos y procede a morder un pedazo de carne que estaba colgando desde una…

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A leopard was spotted trying to ʜᴜɴᴛ a warthog family who were unaware of its presence after it climbed down from a tree. Jan-Louis Human, a 36-year-old mechanical engineer, and Moosa Varachia, a 30-year-old wildlife photography guide, witnessed this thrilling sighting while on a game drive in the Kruger National Park. They said that they came upon a squirrel that was nearby and made an alarm cry. They  assumed that the leopard was nearby because of the squirrel’s alarm sounds. Despite their best efforts, neither of them could find the leopard. After spending some time looking for the leopard, Moosa…

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Snakes and mongooses are naturally hostile against one another since a snake must ᴋɪʟʟ a mongoose before a mongoose can ᴋɪʟʟ a snake, and vice versa. They essentially have to ᴋɪʟʟ one another in order to survive, which causes them to dislike one another somewhat. A ғɪɢʜᴛ between a mongoose and a cobra would likely end with the mongoose winning. According to general agreement, a mongoose typically prevails over snakes in roughly 80% of encounters. The mongoose wins because of its successful strategy of assault. The mongoose will continue to lunge and Bɪᴛᴇ at the snake until it is worn…

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Crocodiles are ambush predators that wait for their prey to pass in front of them before swiping in for the ᴋɪʟʟ. Although these reptiles have the appearance of being slow-moving animals, when they strike they are quick and nimble. In their ecosystem, crocodiles are the top predators, able to take down prey as huge as a shark or big cat. They consume fish, birds, crabs, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and even other small crocodiles in their diet. Their superior senses aid in their successful ʜᴜɴᴛing. Crocodiles are nocturnal animals that rely on their superior night vision to protect them from their…

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In the wild, lions and hyenas have frequently battled. Hyenas and lions frequently get into vicious confrontations, as is well documented. Every time the two species coexist across all of Africa, it is obvious. Although lions and hyenas are both sᴋɪʟʟed ʜᴜɴᴛers, they regularly compete for leftovers and sᴛᴇᴀʟ ᴋɪʟʟs from one another. After ᴋɪʟʟing their prey, African lions often collapse utterly exhausted, so they need some time to recover and gather their breath before feasting. The hyenas also come across fresh ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ between those two incidences, which they start to ingest. Even these enormous cats cannot match the hyenas’…

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On a safari, a ғʀɪɢʜᴛᴇɴed elephant barked at guests for food and nearly sent them flying when it reached inside their van. At Yala National Park in Sʀɪ Lᴀɴᴋᴀ, the audacious tusker stuffed his trunk inside a broken-down truck while pleading for food. From a car in the convoy behind, photographer Sidath Wanaguru recorded the amazing sᴄᴇɴᴇ. Although there are thought to be 6,000 elephants in Sʀɪ Lᴀɴᴋᴀ, their habitats are being ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏed by people, making them a ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛened species. These travelers were quite unlucky to come meet an Asian elephant because, unlike their African relatives, just about 7% of…

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A curious hyena interrupted this exceedingly rare sighting of a leopard playing with her youngster. The Hyena failed to realize that a mother’s instinct is unstoppable and she will go to any lengths to defend her children. Seeing this interaction is incredibly unusual and rare, and what made it even more exciting was how the youngster saw the hyena and raced out into the distance. In addition, after the mother chased the hyena away, she went straight to look for her cub. The youngster was fine but ᴛᴇʀʀɪғɪᴇᴅ, hanging to a 5 m tree trunk 50 m away from this…

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She is one of the biggest A-listers in Hollywood. And Anne Hathaway enjoyed some time away from work on Wednesday as she grabbed lunch with her husband, Adam Shulman, and their two children, Jonathan, four, and Jack, one. The mother-of-two, 38, was seen feeding her youngest child in Los Angeles before returning to their car and heading off. Family time: Anne Hathaway grabbed some lunch in Los Angeles on Wednesday with her husband Adam Shulman and their two children, Jonathan, four, and Jack, one She cut a stylish figure in a brown jacket and straight-leg jeans. Anne draped a Chanel handbag across her body and made…

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He will turn one on March 23. And Anne Hathaway’s adorable little boy Jonathan seemed entranced by the vision of his mother on a laptop set up by his proud dad, actor Adam Shulman, as she gave a speech to the United Nations in New York on Wednesday. On Thursday, the 34-year-old actress posted the cute snap of the tot, who turns one on March 23, watching her intently. Scroll down for video Screen time: On Thursday Anne Hathaway shared this cute snap of Jonathan, her son with Adam Shulman, captioned:  ‘JRS watching Mommy give her speech at UN yesterday’ She captioned it:…

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El corto video grabado desde otro automotor se ha viralizado. Un fragmento del video en el que se ve a un cerdo sacando la cabeza desde un automóvil. Una peculiar escena ha llamado la atención en las últimas horas: un cerdo en el habitáculo de un pequeño vehículo que circula por el centro de Guayaquil. El corto video grabado desde otro automotor se ha viralizado. Allí se ve a un chancho adulto, de gran tamaño, que va como pasajero en la parte de atrás. En uno de los fragmentos del video se ve al cerdo rosado que saca la cabeza…

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Las orcas aprovecharon la movilidad tónica del gigantesco pez para devorarlo El tiburón blanco cazado fue filmado en Mossel, Sudáfrica. Discovery Channel Plus emite desde el 1988 la “Semana del Tiburón”, una serie de documentales para mostrar la vida silvestre del tiburón blanco, el depredador más temido del mar. En la edición 2022, uno de los documentales registró un momento histórico para los amantes de la vida marina. Por primera vez se documentó cómo las orcas devoran a un tiburón blanco y la táctica que implementaron para poder vencer al jaquetón, escribió El Heraldo de México. Graban por primera vez cómo…

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Los humanos han buscado durante mucho tiempo la capacidad de hablar con los animales. Los humanos pronto podrían comunicarse con los animales, ya que los científicos de todo el mundo están utilizando la inteligencia artificial (IA) para hablar con las abejas, los elefantes y las ballenas, pero un experto teme que el poder pueda usarse para manipular las especies salvajes. Hablando en una entrevista con Vox, Karen Bakker de la Universidad de Columbia Británica dijo que un equipo de investigadores en Alemania está usando IA para decodificar patrones en sonidos no humanos, como el baile de las abejas y los ruidos de baja frecuencia…

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Hay pocos animales más despreciados en Australia que el ibis blanco. Hay pocos animales más despreciados en Australia que el ibis blanco. Se ha ganado el mote de “pollo de la basura” por su propensidad a buscar comida donde puede, como en basureros o, incluso, quitándole comida a la gente de las manos. Pero, al parecer, este pájaro encontró una manera de mejorar su reputación. Los sapos de caña fueron introducidos en Australia en la década de 1930 y como no tienen depredadores naturales en el país, han causado estragos en las poblaciones de animales nativos. La piel del sapo libera veneno cuando se siente…

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La familia de Plettner dice que murió en octubre, pero ahora lo han hecho público para que otros tomen en serio las mordeduras de gato Estuvo hospitalizado allí durante un mes, durante el cual se sometió a 15 operaciones. Un danés adoptó un gato y el animal le mordió la mano. Esta historia común se convirtió en tragedia, porque el hombre estuvo cuatro años luchando contra una infección y murió por una bacteria come carne que entró en su sangre. Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner adoptó una gata y sus gatitos de un refugio en 2018. en un instante que quiso mover a las crías, la…

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Un pescador dio la alerta, pidió ayuda en cuartel del Cuerpo de Bomberos Bomberos se alarmaron al conocer el caso, sobre todo porque temían que el perro se lance al agua por el miedo. Foto: Cortesía. Un perro de color negro con café, tamaño mediano, fue rescatado la tarde de este jueves por personal del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Guayaquil. El canino estaba abandonado en un islote en el río Guayas. ¿Cómo llegó allí? Esa era la pregunta de los bomberos y ciudadanos que se enteraron de este caso. Según el Cuerpo de Bomberos, la alerta llegó a su central…

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Hаnk, а lоvеly pit bull, wаs sаvеd in оctоbеr оf this yеаr аt thе аgе оf 10 mоnths. This puppy wаs viciоusly bеаtеn by his fоrmеr humаn fаthеr bеfоrе bеing аbаndоnеd аnd аllоwеd tо blееd tо dеаth. Thаnkfully, sоmеоnе whо witnеssеd thе hоrriblе situаtiоn did nоt hеsitаtе tо pоst sоmе picturеs оn Fаcеbооk tо аsk fоr аssistаncе. Thе аnimаl Hоpе аnd Wеllnеss Fоundаtiоn vоluntееr Fеrn Whitе wаs idеntifiеd in thеsе phоtоs. Nаturаlly, thе rеspоnsе wаs а rеsоunding аnd quick yеs. Mаrc Ching, аn аdvоcаtе fоr аnimаl rights аnd cо-fоundеr оf thе аnimаl rеscuе grоup, аnd this wоmаn hаd prеviоusly vоluntееrеd…

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She was sσ sad… Yσung mσm was abandσned with her babies beside the rσad and she did nσt mσve fσr several days. Her ρain brσƙes σur hearts. Sσme ρeσρle are sσ cruel!We will dσ the best fσr brave Mσli and her babies. This man has a heart σf gσld, if everyσne had the same cσmρassiσn as he dσes the wσrld wσuld be a much better ρlace A man with a gσlden heart. Anyσne whσ lσves and saves an animal there. It is a sρecial ρlace in the ƙingdσm σf Gσd. Thanƙ yσu, sir. Hats σff. Please SHARE with yσur friends…

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Layla, a 7-week-old dog, was had been through much pain when she was picked up by Beaumont Animal Care. She was so shy and stressed, according to Rachel Barron, vet tech. Rachel was able to let Layla feel relaxed after speaking with her in “baby-talk”. Layla started smiling after hearing that voice, so, Rachel recorded that to show the world how being kind makes any dog feel relaxed. Layla’s tail even started wagging with her big smile! Thankfully, Layla’s video went viral and many people asked to adopt her. However, she was adopted by a woman and her husband, who…

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