Author: Y M

Have you ever seen a wʜɪᴛe-clad lion? Wildlife photographer Lyle McCabe got the chance to do so while visiting Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ’s renowned Kruger National Park. A baby, severely ᴇɴᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀed wʜɪᴛe lion was photographed by McCabe interacting with its siblings. All of them, along with other individuals of their species, are tawny. A very unusual animal is the young lion. It has wʜɪᴛe skin and fur. Fortunately, it is accepted by its family. The animal appeared to be huddled up around its mother and siblings in contentment. Many people think the little wʜɪᴛe lion is the albino lion. But this is…

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A ᴅᴇᴀᴅly sea serpent and an equally ᴅᴇᴀᴅly stonefish were captured on camera engaging in a ғɪɢʜᴛ to the ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ. Rick Trippe, an Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀn spearfishing champion, saw the snake and fish engaged in a lethal embrace and attempted to break them free. However, his efforts were in vain because as soon as the ᴅᴇᴀᴅly foes were let back into Darwin’s harbor, they reengaged in their ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ lock. According to Mr. Trippe, they drove over in a state of interest to discover this enormous, thick sea serpent that was almost two meters long and had a ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs fish in its mouth. The…

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To the great excitement of the tourists, a sizable crocodile leaped out of the river and pounced on a bat in the air. The low-flying bat was quickly grabbed by the crocodile and devoured with its razor-sharp fangs. The bats dipped their chests in the river, then clung to trees and drank moisture off their plumage. In her pursuit of the bat, the alligator Dusty Rose was “unbelievably precise”. She received praise for her bounding quickness, agility, and pinpoint accuracy. She had to figure out exactly where to place herself in this big river and typically, ʜᴜɴᴛed on the edge…

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Komodo dragons are in fact lizards, they are the biggest lizards on Earth. These lizards have a maximum length of 10 feet (three meters), or about the same as a small automobile. They can weigh up to 154 pounds on average, but have sometimes been measured up to 135 kilos, or almost the same as a panda bear’s weight. Komodo dragons are infamous for their ᴅᴇᴀᴅly, ᴘᴏɪsᴏɴᴏᴜs ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋs while ʜᴜɴᴛing. Before the University of Queensland disproved this idea, it was thought that these lizards secreted venom proteins that were comparable to those of ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍᴏᴜs snakes. It was also thought that…

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Torie du Preez, 55, received the shock of her life when she arrived home early from a shopping trip only to realise there was a massive snake hiding out in the home’s bathroom A man was left in hot water with his wife after he put a deadly king cobra he found on a building site in the bath. Andre du Preez, 54, was called in to nab the six-foot snake after it had been disturbed from a hiding place – and was in danger of freezing to death. The prison service supplier then took the snake home and ran…

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When a buffalo bull approached a little too ᴄʟᴏsᴇly for comfort, an enraged elephant decided to spray it with cold water. The animal was lazing around with its family at a small watering hole in the Kruger National Park in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ when the bull came – much to the elephant’s annoyance. The African elephant tried to scare the bull away with a squirt of water from its trunk in a gesture that was caught on video, but it missed its target. The bull was then sized up by the enormous creature who was unwilling to be defeated but it…

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At a campsite, a cheeky elephant was discovered attempting to sᴛᴇᴀʟ food. The 45-year-old photographer Willem Bakhuys Roozeboom captured the film of the elephant trying to enter a food truck by using his trunk. But the car, which was parked at a campsite in Mana Pools, Zɪᴍʙᴀʙᴡᴇ, proved too safe for the would-be robber. According to the manager of the safari camp, elephants are drawn to the aroma of fruit and will do anything to get there. Fortunately, the elephant soon became bored and was subsequently spotted eating on a leafy branch. Almost every day, according to Mr. Roozeboom, this…

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A pet dog living on the road was infected with mange. It’s possible that we shouldn’t put ourselves in danger by letting him go away and continuing on without giving him treatment. Therefore, we decided to use a net to bring him in. On the very first day, he appeared so beaten down and inwardly focused. It was obvious that a very long period had passed since he had been touched. We gave him treatment for his dehydration. On day 10, his skin had actually finished the process of completely healing. In addition, he ended up being perfectly fine after…

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A poor soul in need of assistance was neglected. He was in agonizing pain from the situation. The kind-hearted woman wept uncontrollably as she realized she had found him. He was unable to see because the pain in his eyes caused his eyelids to close, which prevented him from seeing. The hand of fate has finally been kind to him. He does not have a home, a mother, or a name. She has given him the name Bodoque. ,,As of today, I will be spending my time with Bodoque. I have resolved to provide medical attention and care for this…

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It was brought to the attention of the rescue workers at the Sezar Sanctuary that a dog was wasting away in a dirty junkyard. The dog was ill for several days and was famished. The townspeople continued to make a spectacle out of his suffering and were merely waiting for him to pass away as a result of his injuries. When the people who were trying to help the dog came, they were so horrified that their skin crawled. They found out that the dog had been abused by someone who had tried to strangle him with a rope. That’s…

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Hope For Paws received a call from Persephone Harrington, a woman who found an elderly homeless dog sheltering under a dumpster at a junkyard. When the emergency services arrived, they found him under the container, in the mud and among the garbage. After speaking with residents, rescuers learned that the dog’s owner had been evicted nine years ago and the dog had been abandoned. All this time he had been fending for himself on the streets and wondering where his owner was. People at the scene gave him food, but he wants so much more. Josephnine, aka Pheenie, is a…

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Before she passes away, they take a terminally sick dog to the sea. The animal was content up until her last breath. They promised the dog that she would be happy despite the fact that they couldn’t do much for the dog. She was full of tumors and in critical condition when she was saved. Noah was in awful form as a result of living on the streets and the disregard shown to her by onlookers. Her nails were so long that she could not walk. Her body was covered with tumors. Thankfully, a charity named Laika in the Mexican…

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Unіtеd Statеs rеsіdеnt Calеb Hоward, whо іs frоm սtah, was іn a tragіc vеhіclе accіdеnt. Hе and hіs sіstеr Rachеl wеrе thе оnlу оnеs tо еscapе thе tragіc оccսrrеncе, whіch lеft thе chіld wіth a braіn damagе that rеndеrеd hіm vеgеtatіvе. Hіs mоthеr and sіblіngs alsо pеrіshеd. Hеr fathеr and grandma had lіttlе hоpе aftеr lеarnіng that shе had a lоw chancе оf rеcоvеrіng, accоrdіng tо thе dоctоrs. Lіttlе Calеb wasn’t rеspоndіng, and thе sіtսatіоn dіdn’t sееm prоmіsіng. Hе was qսіtе fragіlе, practіcallу іn a vеgеtatіvе cоndіtіоn, and spеnt a lоt оf tіmе іn іntеnsіvе carе wіthоսt makіng anу prоgrеss.…

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In Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ, an elephant pursued a predator away from its herd and left it hidden at the top of a tree in a frantic attempt to avoid becoming prey itself. Photographer Kevin Dooley, 60, caught the image of the leopard being compelled to climb a tree to try to escape the persistent elephant at the Madikwe Game Reserve. Images showed the leopard running for safety as the elephant tried to reach up into the tree’s branches with its trunk. Kevil said that the leopard was smelled by the bull elephant from a mile away. He tried to chase the…

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We now know more about elephants thanks to recent research. They are kind, gentle creatures with genuine feelings, as we have learned. They can remember other elephants and even people they may not have seen in years and are able to create significant bonds. Humans have learned that much of the way we have kept elephants over the years might be deemed quite harsh as we learn more about these gentle giants and their social behaviors. Even those living in zoos, who have been given the best care zoos are able to provide, are unable to lead lives that resemble…

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Laws against the use of wild animals in circuses have been passed in numerous countries. However, it seems that many circuses are driven by greed and continue to enslave these animals. The mountain lion Mufasa has experienced everything during the past 20 years. Mufasa was saved from a forcibly operating circus in Pᴇʀᴜ. For the past 20 years, he has been dragged from village to hamlet and made to perform. The unhappy animal had never experienced freedom before Animal Defenders International (ADI) arrived to free him. ADI is conducting Operation Spirit of Freedom, a year-long offensive against illegal circuses. Thanks…

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This was the horrifying moment a man found two enormous pythons ғɪɢʜᴛing in his kitchen. The video was captured in a remote Brisbane neighborhood and depicted the snakes slithering on the tiled floor while intertwined with one another. The owner claimed that he kept one of the pythons in the ceiling above his bedroom to manage pests, thus he was unsᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇd to come across the scenario. He said that he had noticed one of these snakes during the warmer months dwelling in the ceiling above his bedroom. That was of no concern to him because these pythons were harmless and…

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In the Addo Elephant National Park in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ, two male elephants engaged in combat over a small watering hole. The bulls, who were already in musth and ʜᴜɴᴛing for female mates, became considerably more hostile during Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ’s prolonged drought due to their desperate search for water. When the conflict started, the other animals who were tensely waiting at Carol’s Rest watering hole hurriedly dispersed. A lot of dust was created when the two elephants charged and pushed one another. Physiotherapist Bessie Vermeulen from Bloemfontein, Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ, caught the altercation on tape. According to Bessie, when she was in…

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On the Internet, the amazing video showing the snake being found in a jungle on the Caribbean island of Dominica has received 79 million views. This is an amazing moment as a gigantic snake was discovered alive and it was so big that people had to use a crane to lift it. The digger’s claw was holding its body in place, but due to its vast size, it was almost touching the ground. The snake’s head slowly slithered back up to the claw. The huge beast appeared to have been found by workers as they were thinning out some of…

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Lions and leopards at the Gir National Park don’t usually get on. “They compete with each other” for space and food, said Stotra Chakrabarti, a researcher who studies animal behaviour. “They are at perpetual odds.” And until recently, this statement wouldn’t have been questioned. But one particular lion, against all odds, broke the barrier when she adopted a baby leopard. This very rare case of interspecies adoption involves a sick baby leopard who was taken in by a lioness who cared for him as if he were her own. Stotra explained that usually, these animals compete for space and food,…

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This astonishing incident occurred at a training camp in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ when a python smothered and then devoured a Vervet monkey. The snake dragged its food into the bushes and swallowed it completely, no matter how large it was. Warwick Neil Guy, a wildlife and conservation student, snapped the amazing moment on a deserted dirt road at the Bhejane Training Camp in Hluhluwe, Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ. The 23-year-old described he and his roommate Jason were having a leisurely afternoon stroll around the property when he came across the python and the monkey along the fence line. The action was about a…

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Australia is a pretty reliable source for exciting suburban animal sightings. The latest clip doing the rounds shows a particularly determined brushturkey pecking at a python as the snake slithers across a driveway in search of safety. According to Kate Carruthers who filmed the encounter, the python was likely in search of the brushturkey’s nesting mound – a mass of organic material that the males of the species scrape together to provide a natural incubator for the female to lay her eggs in. In addition to creating the mound, the male Australian brushturkeys will also diligently protect it from predators until the eggs hatch, at which point…

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The elusive Eastern indigo snake has slithered into Alabama for just the second time in more than 60 years. An aggressive attempt to reintroduce the snakes to the state has been successful after the finding of an Eastern indigo snake that was born in the wild. The largest snake native to the US – the reptile was used to be found in Alabama. However, according to the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, they became extinct in the state in the 1950s, mostly as a result of habitat ʟᴏss. The snakes are a cructial part of the ecosystem. Eastern…

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As Anne Hathaway addresses the extreme public loathing she endured a decade ago, Christobel Hastings re-examines the rise and fall of Hathahate – and how one of Hollywood’s biggest movie stars outsmarted the sexist script. It was February 2013, and at the 85th Academy Awards ceremony, Anne Hathaway had just scooped the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. The win, by all accounts, was no great surprise: throughout the awards season that year, the actor had racked up trophies at the Golden Globes, SAG Awards and Baftas for her compelling portrayal of the doomed Fantine in the big screen adaptation of Les…

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