Author: Y M

Es sabido que el uso de la pólvora tiene efectos negativos en las mascotas y no es raro enterarse de perros que han fallecido por culpa del temor que les genera el sonido de los fuegos pirotécnicos. Sin embargo, hay más gente que ha tomado conciencia sobre esa situación, por lo que cada fin de año se viralizan videos o noticias sobre personas que han tenido soluciones creativas para que sus mascotas no la pasen mal debido a la pirotecnia. Uno de esos casos es el de una pareja que, durante los festejos de año nuevo, decidió encerrarse junto a…

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El pasado miércoles se presentó un caso de maltrato animal en Bogotá que impactó tanto a los presentes como a los internautas, testigos a través de las redes sociales de lo sucedido. Un toro (identificado con el número 31) se salió del camión que lo llevaba al matadero y en su desesperación por escapar ocasionó una persecución que parecía inspirada en una película. Gente del común, ganaderos y hasta la policía se involucraron en esta, lo que terminó con el toro visiblemente maltratado y sin fuerzas, siendo cargado al camión con ayuda de múltiples cuerdas. El caso fue denunciado públicamente por el Santuario Animal Namigni,…

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She shares two sons with her husband Adam Shulman. And Anne Hathaway was every inch the doting mother as she carried her youngest son, Jack, two, in her arms during an appearance in Rome with her family. The actress, 39, looked typically stylish in a grey jumper layered over a white shirt, and teamed with light blue jeans. Mother and son: Anne Hathaway was every inch the doting mother as she carried her youngest son, Jack, two, in her arms as she stepped out in Rome with her family Keeping the cold at bay, she added a navy blue blazer to stay…

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Anne Hathaway flashed her dazzling smile as she left a photo studio on Friday night. The Oscar winner, 40 – who recently bundled up in a show-stopping Moncler puffer jacket – braved the rain in a chic long trench coat and matching flared pants. Hathaway brought a pop of vibrant color to her tawny ensemble with a multicolored scarf. All smiles: Anne Hathaway, 40, flashed her dazzling smile as she left a photo studio on Friday night. The Oscar winner braved the rain in a chic long trench coat and matching flared pants The Devil Wears Prada star wore her designer coat buttoned up…

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The star discusses Rebecca Miller’s romantic drama and how she ended up making two independent projects back to back: “I’m drawn to characters.” Anne Hathaway has been a film festival fixture over the past year, premiering James Gray’s Armageddon Time at the Cannes Film Festival and Eileen, the Ottessa Moshfegh adaptation, in Park City at last month’s Sundance Film Festival. Now she’s headed to the Berlin Film Festival with She Came to Me, the latest from writer-director Rebecca Miller (The Ballad of Jack and Rose, Maggie’s Plan). She Came to Me, which is set to open the fest, follows an opera composer who is in the middle of…

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A bushbuck is stuck between a rock and a hard place. As wild dogs surround it and it chooses to get into a mud wallow with a hippo to try and evade the dogs’ snapping jaws. The hippo unleashes its anger on the buck and crushes it. Field guide Piet Van Wyk watched as a bizarre sighting took place in front of his eyes! This incredible moment was shared with “My guests and I were out on a game drive at the end of the dry season. Meandering along the banks of the Sand River. Following a large pack of wild dogs…

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This millipede has the undivided attention of a group of sub-adult lions. The lions are pretty relaxed about the situation until the millipede attempts to crawl on top of one. Small Visitor While on safari in the MalaMala Game Reserve, senior ranger Nic Nel shared a truly amusing sighting with “We headed out as usual on an afternoon game drive to find some lions. Shortly after some searching, we stumbled across a small pride of lions. The pride consisted of two adult females and multiple young cubs. The lions were all pretty relaxed, close to a waterhole. Even the normally…

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The science of animal behavior is not new to humans. Nonetheless, many aspects of animal behavior still amaze us. Coprophagia is an example. What is coprophagia? Coprophagia is a fancy name for consuming faeces, stool, or poop. Coprophagia is a natural phenomenon that takes place in the animal kingdom. Animals such as rabbits, poop beetles, and dogs have been observed practising this absurd and outwardly revolting act. While on safari in the Kruger National Park, trail guide Mohammed Kathrada witnessed this phenomenon firsthand. He provided with some intriguing images and information. Smells good? “Patrolling the H1-1 tar road in the Kruger, searching…

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An unlucky lion chased by buffalo finds himself trapped by two angry herds; he chooses to ascend a tree in defence. A wise move or not? Scared lion trapped by stampeding buffaloes 26-year-old Victoria Craddock and 27-year-old Chad Hobson had the marvellous opportunity to not only witness but film this entire interaction. They shared the story and footage with “MalaMala Game Reserve has the luxury of outstanding game viewing. On this guest stay, we enjoyed fantastic lion sightings, so having the opportunity to find something a little different was truly pleasant. A large herd of buffalo.” lions relaxing in the shade “When we arrived,…

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Anne Hathaway praises the cast and director William Oldroyd at the Sundance premiere of her new film Eileen. The 40-year-old actress started acting as a teenager, first appearing in the short-lived TV series Get Real in 1998 before making her feature film debut with 2001’s The Princess Diaries, with Hathaway currently prepping Princess Diaries 3 adding recently how ‘thrilled’ she is that fans are excited about it. The actress was at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah participating in a Q&A after the premiere of her new film Eileen, and revealing why she wanted to work with director William Oldroyd Opening up: Anne Hathaway is opening…

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An event involving Philly Rescue Angels, a group that is typically committed to saving and caring for abandoned dogs, has received a lot of attention since it was heinous and awful. One late night in Pennsylvania, USA, a group of foundation staff members came across a severely injured and abandoned puppy on a train. We arrived to find him motionless. His back leg was immobilized, said Sidara Son. They initially thought that Lucky, the dog, had been hit by a train, but they soon understood that the situation was far worse: Lucky’s previous owners had severely harmed it. The…

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Robbie, a child who has suffered abuse and neglect and spent years in foster care, can understand how older dogs from asylum centres feel. The longer a child lives in foster care, the harder it is to get them adopted. The same is true for older dogs from asylum centres. Most foster parents want children or puppies, but everyone deserves a loving family. So when Robbie was adopted by Maria Henry Gay and her husband, the family decided they would only take in older dogs. Even if they can’t spend many more years with the dogs. They still give them…

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En un safari en Zambia, el fotógrafo y viajero español Igor Altuna Azkargota captó un momento impactante con su lente.Un leopardo acababa de cazar a un babuino y lo llevaba agarrado por el cuello en sus fauces. Del cadáver del simio todavía iba aferrada su pequeña cría. La foto fue captada en octubre de 2021 en el Parque Nacional South Luangwa, en el este de Zambia. Uno de los refugios más conocidos de vida silvestre que existe en África. Le puede interesar. (Nuevo estudio en Canadá suena las alarmas sobre la población de osos polares) “Olimba acaba de cazar, lleva la madre…

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Luego de más de 13 años de relación, tres de los cuales fueron de matrimonio, los actores Carmen Villalobos y Sebastián Caicedo decidieron darle fin a su unión y así lo comunicó ella por medio de Instagram.“Después de hablarlo y meditarlo muchísimo, entendimos que es momento de tomar caminos diferentes”, dijo la barranquillera en un video. Luego de eso mucho se ha especulado acerca de la vida sentimental de cada uno y parece ser que mientras ella sigue soltera (se le relacionó con el actor Horacio Pancheri, pero ambos negaron el vínculo), él sí encontró a alguien más.Recientemente surgieron pruebas de que…

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De manera implacable, inescrupulosos atacaron con machete a una boa constrictor y le causaron graves heridas y fracturas en la cabeza por lo que permanece bajo observación de médicos veterinarios.La Corporación Autónoma Regional del Tolima, Cortolima, señaló que la serpiente fue fue llevada al Centro de Atención y Valoración de esa entidad, tras ser atacada por desconocidos en el municipio de Carmen de Apicalá. “A través de rayos X se confirmaron las fracturas en el cráneo que comprometen un globo ocular muy expuesto a la lesión”, señaló la corporación ambiental.El médico veterinario, Diego Orjuela, dijo que la serpiente fue trasladada al hospital…

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Las ballenas azules —consideradas los gigantes de los mares y los animales más grandes del mundo— ingieren 10 millones de trozos de microplásticos al día. Esta es la conclusión a la que llega un estudio publicado este martes en la revista ‘Nature Communications’ sobre la contaminación que afecta a estos mamíferos marinos. Para calcular cuánto microplástico ingieren estos gigantescos animales, los investigadores plantearon el siguiente estudio. En primer lugar, etiquetaron a 191 ballenas azules, de aleta y jorobadas que viven frente a las costas de California, en Estados Unidos, para seguir sus movimientos. “Pusimos como un [reloj conectado] Apple Watch en el dorso de la ballena”, explica Shirel…

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Un pionero programa de reintroducción de fauna acaba de traer consigo una inesperada y bienvenida sorpresa: un bisonte salvaje ha nacido en el Reino Unido, algo que no sucedía desde hace mil años.  Tres hembras adultas fueron liberadas el pasado julio en el condado de Kent, al sudeste de Inglaterra. Los responsables de esta iniciativa no lo sabían, ya que los bisontes ocultan sus embarazos para protegerse de los depredadores, pero una de ellas había llegado encinta desde Escocía, donde pastaba anteriormente. La recién nacida becerra fue descubierta tras un par de días en los que los guardas no veían a la madre, que se recluyó en un lugar aislado para…

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Los propietarios de una granja de terneras en Soses (Segrià) han denunciado ante los Mossos d’Esquadra dos ataques de perros salvajes contra su explotación ganadera. Los ataques han dejado un saldo de nueve animales muertos y media docena de heridos. El suceso tuvo lugar la semana pasada. Concretamente, las noches del jueves y del viernes, 29 y 30 de diciembre. A resultas de estos ataques, y ante el temor a que se volvieran a repetir, los propietarios de la granja decidieron a desalojar la instalación y trasladar a sus 150 cabezas de ganado a otras granjas de Lleida. De hecho, estos días han podido ver a…

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A giant tawny eagle swoops onto a tar road from meters above to investigate what looks like a potential meal making its way across the road. Giant eagle attacks chameleon Wildlife enthusiast Fiona Sadman shared this exhilarating sighting with “Often when I drive through game reserves, my attention is focused on the surrounding bush, thickets, trees, and riverbeds. Sometimes the best sightings aren’t where you’d expect them to be. On this particular day, I was driving along the tar road when a small shadowed figure caught my eye in the middle of the road. A chameleon!” Chameleons are reptiles that are truly…

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An elusive honey badger mother carries her tiny cub in her jaws in broad daylight, perhaps she is in search of a safer den to hide the vulnerable cub. Teacher Chantell Terblanche, 37, was on vacation in the Kruger National Park when she witnessed this heartwarming sight. received the cutest images and story. “We were in the Kruger National Park for a day visit. The general game we saw was plentiful. Though seeing something unusual and rare is always more exciting. All Kruger lovers have a “bucket list” of animals they would love to see. A honey badger has always been one…

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A very ambitious Nile crocodile takes its chances with a fully grown buffalo cow as they battle it out. Who will be the victor? Dr. Marc DeBerardinis, a doctor at Petaluma Orthodontics was lucky enough to capture the entire scene. The story and images shared with are truly remarkable. South Africa’s Lowveld region is a region that experiences high amounts of rainfall during the summer months, which is extremely beneficial for the fauna and flora as they all thrive with the abundance of water and food. For those on safari, the large quantities of rainfall mean animals do not need to…

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A chameleon stands dead still, hoping to blend in with its surroundings when a snake gets close by. Unfortunately for the chameleon, the snake zeros in on it and strikes it rapidly. The chameleon puts up a fight, but is it enough? Etienne Hamman and Annemarie Hamman had an exhilarating end to their day when they captured this sighting and shared the footage with “After a full day of spectacular sightings, which included an incredible sighting of a male leopard that we were fortunate enough to observe. We decided to head out of the Pilanesberg National Park. Little did we know…

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A bateleur eagle finds a rather strange object when hunting and decides to have a little fun with it. 41-year-old lodge manager and photographic guide Rihann Van Wyk from Mvuradona Safari Lodge was out on a game drive in the Kruger National Park when he came across this playful scene. He shared the sighting with “While on a game drive in the Kruger National Park, I was driving along the S108 dirt road, searching for the resident leopards that call this part of the park home. Often, when you are searching for something, you will never find it. As I thought that…

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An unsuspecting troop of playful monkeys are caught off guard when a sleeping tiger pounces out of nowhere. 39-year-old industrialist Narayan Malu witnessed this very rare sighting. The captured footage and story was shared with “We were waiting nearby a waterhole, while a group of langoor monkeys were lying around it. Going about their day. They often frequent these waterholes to drink water and consume the various food varieties on offer in the vicinity.” Langoor monkeys are arboreal creatures that spend the majority of their time in the trees. They do not only use trees as a safe haven but also as a…

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