Author: Y M

A brave lechwe attempts to cross the crocodile-infested Chobe River in search of greener pastures but gets chased by a hungry crocodile. Lechwe narrowly escapes croc jaws Caitlyn Earwaker, a 24-year-old veterinary nurse, and her family were on a boat cruise when they witnessed this incredible sighting. Caitlyn and Lucy Whitehead shared their story and footage with A brave lechwe jumps into the water “As we cruised along the Chobe River in Botswana, we were treated to the sight of numerous animals coming to the river’s edge to drink. Our guide suddenly pointed out a lechwe (a large antelope with a…

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A family of porcupines fighting a leopard in an attempt to save their two young. Who will emerge victorious? Leopard attempts to catch porcupine babies Mfundo Nyambi, a 31-year-old field guide in the Kruger National Park, was fortunate enough to witness this entire sighting on foot. He shared the incredible moment and sighting with “As a guide in the Kruger National Park, I have had the privilege of witnessing some incredible wildlife sightings over the years. However, one particular experience stands out. I was preparing to take a group of guests on a bush walk. We had just left Crocodile…

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A coalition of male lions hunt buffalo and risk it all for a meal when they go head-to-head with one of Africa’s most feared. 54-year-old wildlife photographer Nick Dale was able to watch the entire scene unfold and shared the story and images with “There’s a lion fighting with a buffalo! Our driver cried, holding his binoculars and looking in my direction. Let’s go! He tore off into the Serengeti, bouncing around like crazy as we headed towards the action, ignoring the park rules by going off-road! He was driving so fast that my bean bag flew up into the air. Thank goodness…

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Brave bird attacks a snake twice its size whilst trying to stay away from the snake’s highly venomous fangs. Will the risk be worth it for the bird or not? Bird rips out snake’s eye Field guide Pieter van Wyk at MalaMala Game Reserve was able to record the battle and shared it with “It was a sunny day, and I was taking a group of tourists out on a morning drive when I spotted the commotion. It had not even been 10 seconds into our drive. We had barely left the vicinity of the camp.” Bushshrike carrying the boomslang “At first, I…

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Waking someone up from a nap isn’t the most popular decision. Yet, this male lion though to give it a try. But all he got was to learn his lesson on the hard way! In an odd rare footage, a majestic lion is quietly approaching a sleeping female to give her a romantic wake-up (at least that’s what he thought). However, the things quickly turned into a nightmare, and not for the lioness, but for the male himself. Safari guide Joshua Loonkushu witnessed the hilarious moment and captured it on camera. Kruger Sightings The lion makes all his efforts to…

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Although for many of us – wildlife enthusiasts – a close encounter with a massive wild cat sounds like a dream come true, when this really happens, you wished it never did! It is also the case of a woman who recently came nose-to-nose with a big puma while hiking. An experience she will definitely never forget. Tara Bray was enjoying her hike through the dramatic landscape of Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia, Chile, when she had the most heart-thumping experience she ever had – she crossed her path with a massive puma. At first Bray was left…

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The tearful stσry σf a ρitiful accident dσg Balu had an accident σn the rσad and was seriσusly injured and needed surgery. During the treatment, the dσctσrs discσvered σther ρrσblems with his health and that jeσρardized the surgery. Althσugh the dσctσrs were dedicated tσ saving him, Balu did nσt survive, he returned tσ Gσd. He fσught liƙe a true warriσr. R.I.P Balu. Full stσry belσw! Please LIKE and SHARE this stσry tσ yσur friends and family!

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Evеn thоugh Lаnа, аn 8-mоnth-оld dоg whо livеs in Brаzil, is still а puppy, shе is аwаrе оf thе vаluе оf bеing kind. оn sоciаl mеdiа, а picturе оf hеr giving hеr nеw blаnkеt tо а strаy dоg hаs gоnе virаl, gаrnеring prаisе fоr hеr gеnеrоsity. Lаtе lаst yеаr, thе dоg аnd hеr siblings wеrе pluckеd оff thе strееts. Sооn аftеr, Suеlеn Schаumlоеffеl аnd hеr pаrtnеr аdоptеd hеr, аnd shе grеw up in hеr nеw hоmе аs а vеry cоntеnt pеt. Lаnа hаs аlrеаdy еxpеriеncеd аll thе lоvе аnd dеvоtiоn а puppy cоuld аsk fоr, but shе оbviоusly is still…

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This is the tear-jerking moment a dying puppy mustered enough strength to wag her tail in delight as a group of rescuers approached her in the streets. The poorly pooch was discovered by members of Animal Aid Unlimited in India suffering from canine distemper, a viral disease that causes fever, coughing, and catarrh. Abandoned by the side of a road in Udaipur, the weak dog can be seen wagging her tail as the video maker and team of rescuers approach and give her some affection. This poor dog was suffering from a fatal disease – canine distemper – and was…

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People often go out of their way for their best friend’s health, and a girl who traveled through the deep and freezing snow to find aid for her puppy proves once again that animal love has no bounds. Veterinarian Ogün ztürk once traveled to a tiny Turkish village to cure a client’s cow medically. The man had no intention of staying long; he merely intended to answer the phone and return home, but something unexpected changed his plans. What started out as a normal visit turned into a circumstance that Ogün would never forget, and it forever changed his life…

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Anne Hathaway rocked a vibrant all-red outfit while preparing to out of Salt Lake City Airport after attending the 2023 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. While sporting an oversized jacket, a matching beanie and oversized shades, the 40-year-old actress, who spent the weekend promoting her new film Eileen, smiled at onlookers ahead of her flight home. For her flight, the mother-of-two looked comfortable as she wore her dark brown hair in a ponytail, a pair of light-wash blue jeans and black leather combat booties. Standing out from the crowd: Anne Hathaway rocked a vibrant all-red outfit while preparing to out of Salt Lake City Airport…

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Anne Hathaway, who played the role of Selena Kyle, aka Catwoman, in The Dark Knight Rises, had a prominent part. Anne Hathaway Made A Lot Through Her 20 Minutes Less Screen Time In The Dark Knight Rises ( Photo Credit – Movie Still ) It often happens that an actor or an actress has either a cameo in a movie or appears for a very short span of time. Anne Hathaway, who played the role of Selena Kyle, aka Catwoman, in The Dark Knight Rises, had a prominent part. However, her screen time was even less than 20 minutes. Despite…

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The vibrant look is courtesy of Christopher John Rogers. Anne Hathaway is lighting up New York City with a bold fashion look. During a guest appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the actress—who has been busy promoting her Apple TV+ miniseries, WeCrashed—stepped out in a colorful three-piece suit by Christopher John Rogers. The outfit consisted of a blazer, a corset, and a pair of palazzo trousers—all three pieces bore the designer’s signature multicolored gradient polka-dot print, this time rendered in bright green, purple, and red. She also carried Versace’s La Medusa Mini Bag in a turquoise shade. The WeCrashed promo tour has been delivering a round of…

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Anne Hathaway shares sons Jonathan, who turns 6 this week, and Jack, 2, with husband Adam Shulman Anne Hathaway is expressing her thoughts on how motherhood has changed her for the better. In an interview for WSJ. Magazine’s digital cover, the actress, 39, opens up about the impact of motherhood as a parent to sons Jonathan Rosebanks, 6 this week, and Jack, 2, sharing that she “didn’t feel fully landed and fully here until I was a mom.” “It’s not like I was lacking integrity, but it made me want to be completely, on every level, true to my word,” she explains. “And that…

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Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman have kept their marriage very private Anne Hathaway felt an instant connection when she first encountered her now-husband Adam Shulman. “I knew from the second I met him that he was the love of my life,” the actress later told Harper’s Bazaar UK. “I also knew that I couldn’t have met him at a worse time.” Hathaway was getting over a breakup when she met Shulman through mutual friends. Despite her reservations — “I took my trust out for a ridiculous joyride with him,” she added — the Devil Wears Prada star quickly fell for him. The two married in September…

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Anne Hathaway may have left her home in Millburn decades ago, but she’s been frequenting New Jersey over the past few years thanks to her film projects. Her latest, “Mothers’ Instinct,” is filming in Bergen County Monday with Jessica Chastain. Oscar winners Hathaway, 39, and Chastain, 45, previously co-starred in “Interstellar” (2014) and can both be seen in the upcoming film “Armageddon Time,” another Hathaway movie that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and filmed in New Jersey last year. In “Mothers’ Instinct,” a thriller set in the 1960s, Chastain plays Alice and Hathaway plays Celine, friends, neighbors and happy housewives whose sons are the same age.…

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Parece una broma macabra, pero es cierto: una serpiente pitón de más de seis metros y medio ha engullido a una mujer de 54 años en Indonesia. Jahrah, que así se llama la víctima, era una mujer de 54 años que vivía en la localidad de Jambi, en la isla de Sumatra y que solía salir a pasear por los bosques cercanos. El pasado día 23, según informaciones recogidas por el diario estadounidense ‘Washington Post’, que cita a medios locales, Jahrah no volvió a casa, por lo que sus familiares dieron aviso a la policía. Tras una búsqueda infructuosa, al día siguiente de su desaparición…

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Las autoridades del país justifican la medida para controlar la reproducción de los felinos en cautividad Un león bosteza en el parque nacional de Nairobi, en Kenia. El Servicio de Fauna gubernamental de Kenia han defendido su decisión de esterilizar la semana pasada a un león en cautividad, una medida que generó polémica en este país de África Oriental, donde esta especie de felinos está amenazada. El león, de tres años, formaba parte de un programa de rehabilitación en la capital, Nairobi, para aquellos animales huérfanos o heridos. La decisión de esterilizarlo se tomó “con el objetivo de controlar la reproducción en el…

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El pequeño sufrió heridas de diversa consideración provocadas por las fauces del animal Un niño de dos años de Uganda salvó milagrosamente la vida en las cercanías del lago Eduardo. El pequeño, que estaba junto a varios familiares, fue engullido por un hipopótamo, uno de los animales más peligrosos del lugar, que se tragó la mitad del cuerpo del pequeño pese a que son animales herbívoros. Las personas que estaban junto al menor, asustadas y para evitar que el hipopótamo se lo siguiera comiendo, empezaron a lanzarle piedras. Hasta que consiguieron que lo escupiera. Rápidamente llevaron al niño al hospital. Pese a las heridas causadas por las…

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La Comisión Nacional de Áreas Protegidas busca proteger a turistas y a estas especies, algunas en peligro de extinción Por suerte o por desgracia, la gente ya no podrá meterse en una jaula de barrotes muy separados entre sí, en un mar infestado de tiburones blancos. La Comisión Nacional de Áreas Protegidas ha emitido esta nueva norma para proteger a los turistas y a las especies que estos se fascinan observando. “Se suspenden las actividades turísticas relacionadas con el tiburón blanco” en la Isla de Guadalupe, ese pequeño terruño a 260 kilómetros de Baja California que desde principios de siglo se…

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Un par de pájaros carpinteros en California seguramente están devastados después de que un técnico de control de plagas, al atender una llamada de rutina, descubriera su enorme tesoro de bellotas ingeniosamente escondidas entre las paredes de una casa de California. Los propietarios del lugar, ubicado en el condado de Sonoma, llamaron a Nick Castro, dueño de Nick’s Extreme Pest Control, luego de que vieran gusanos que salían de la pared de un dormitorio. Resultaron ser gusanos de la harina, que se estaban dando un festín con una cantidad increíble de bellotas, que se cree que acumularon un par de pájaros…

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The Egyptian Cobra, also known as the Egyptian asp, is a giant venomous snake, with some specimens reaching up to 8.5 ft. Its generic name comes from the Sanskrit word naga, meaning Cobra, in English. Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish zoologist, first described it. This snake has played a massive part in Egypt’s history and continues to do so at present. It symbolized sovereignty, and the monarchs designed their crowns in the model of their hood. It was also said to be the snake used by Queen Cleopatra to commit suicide. Size: 4.6 ft (1.4 m) Weight: 20 pounds (9.07 kg) Head: It has a depressed head with…

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